
Last updated : 14/12/2024

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Some terms that'll probably appear on this site. You should searX the internet for more details, as the explanations are nutshelled. May also receive updates if new keywords arrive.

14/12/2024 Update : Added anti-keywords.


"Advanced" settings

An added settings interface that appears on various custom ROMs, such as HavocOS (Configuration Center), RR (Resurrection tools), crDroid (crDroid Settings), & POSP (Fries). These are generally UI tweaking settings that occasionally also take in basic settings in order to either artificially increase feature count and/or prevent overlap with AOSP's own implementation of that setting.

Amazon (the corpo)

Not to be confused with the Amazonian tribe and/or the Amazon jungle.

I generally call Amazon (the corpo) with something among the lines of "the monopolist whose name makes the jungle / rainforest & tribe with a similar name hardly pop up on search engines unless directly searched". Don't buy from here unless you either have no other choice or willing to support slavery of people on developed nations. Also, Ring's home "security" stuff is spyware.

Stallman also has an article about why you should avoid this unethical monopolist whose name makes the jungle / rainforest & tribe with a similar name hardly pop up on search engines unless directly searched.


Short for Android PacKage (or Android Package Kit / Android Application Package), it's a file format used by Android to install & distribute apps. In a nutshell, it's .msi (or a .exe installer) for Android.


Short for Arch User Repository.


badciv / goodciv

Bad Civilization / Good Civilization. This is a reference of a certain Hun.


Used to be my CodeBerg account name until I discontinued it. I might bring it back for recipes (assuming I wanted to that is), especially since "blin" is Russian for "pancakes".


A.K.A. the guy who gave me the M50X in return for my Pixel 3. BTW this actually isn't his real name - you're going to have to find him IRL, so good luck. In this site, he'll be seen in either Bob, B-man, or whatever names I decided to throw at him (so far, it's only B-man & comrade Bob). Also, the 1st IRL comrade & workmate (10/3/2025 update: employer, housemate, and landlord too now) that got featured up my site.



A more relevant name for the smartphone, replacing the PDA. More fitting as well, as splitting the words result in "cell" & "phone", which does translate to prison & spying.


A.K.A. using the internet to do stuff via others' machines. For example, cloud storage refers to using the internet to borrow someone else's storage to store some files - said someone else still have access to the files.

Not to be confused with the cottony-looking condensed vapor up the skies.


Better known as CloudFlared. Here's an snapshot of a git repo explaining CloudFlare's sins (because other hosters wouldn't keep hosting dCF).

Custom ROM

Better known as "customized AOSP builds/distros/distributions", but "Custom ROM" already stuck despite its confusing name (custom read-only memory?). Here's some obvious examples.

Cycrim / cyber criminals

Coined by Ryo as he wrote some article, however & wherever he may be. Though I would re-describe stuff like this :



SafetyNet client for microG. Can run as user-app (at the possible cost of ctsProfile fail) or system-app; however, in either case, SafetyNet has to be manually enabled in microG settings. Currently unavailable / deprecated, as Google has updated SafetyNet; rendering DroidGuard unable to pass it.




Coined by the Chief GNUisance Richard Stallman. The "e" in ex-Twitter is usually not capitalized unless used to start a sentence; and the "ex" is some mockery thrown at the X meant to rename Twitter... wait why am I explaining this? Just read Stallman's page.



An app that fakes the presence of Google Play Store. Requires signature spoofing. Doesn't have license runtime verification, which might break paid apps that demands it.


Short for Free & Open Source Software.



Google / Goolag / Go-ogle Apps.


The name of this site. Broken down into the 2 words they're made of, "Gear" represents technology, "Jail" represents prison / dependency.

In my own terms, it means "jailbreaking your tech from the jail imposed by big corpos" - although I think the site's still not representing this yet.


Short for GearJail / goodoldtuner Archives SourceForge. Actually named GearJail Archives, but I elect to honor goodoldtuner"s efforts in setting up the archives here. Hence 2GAS.

Any similarities with the Indonesian word for assignment (Tugas) are not really intended, except to be made fun of.


Short for Google Mobile Services. Or, in most contexts, Goolag Mobile dis-Services (or maybe Go-ogle Mobile dis-Services; but that didn't fly well compared to Goolag - more of that in the next <h4> tag).


The big corpo behind Android & the allegedly #1 internet services for the normies. For its activities & depending on the context, I'll call them in one of these 2 names: Goolag & Go-ogle. I'll still call them Google if the context doesn't match the ones for Goolag & Go-ogle.

Goolag ID

Another word for Google account. Named as such in honor of whatever Goolag is mentioned - it's above this <h4> tag just before Go-ogle.


A clearer word (in my optinion) for free, as in free drinks & food (or free items of any kind).






Urban Dictionary definition

Kang is a slang for "code stealing", where you take a code / git commit & publish them as yours, removing the original author's identifiers.


Lego-style connectors

A term coined by JerryRigEverything for the snap-on BTB (board to board) connectors found on most phones nowadays. BTW, the X220 has one of these for its keyboard.


Yet another IRL comrade / workmate of mine. Unlike Bob, the guy's hardcore in whatever he does. So hardcore he used to have a bunch of Goolag accounts just in case he went too hot in PUBG (and now he only sticks with 1 for what he claims as "outreach").



A FLOSS replacement of Google Play Services. Requires signature spoofing, and can be run as either user-app or system-app. For more information, head to GitHub or the official site. Also, may not be usable for location provider as user-app.


Separated into "mort" & "gage" & translated from Latin, it means "death" & "pledge" respectively, making its true meaning "death pledge".


A.K.A. Major Skill Issue (sometimes additionally appended with syndrome for fun). Not to be confused with Micro-Star International (a "gaming" hardware manufacturer), whose initials are similar to the aforementioned phrase.



Short for Network Time Protocol.



Short for Open Source Software. May be confused for OxygenOS by some people who can't spend a few extra moment to read & understand context.


Short for OSS-Vendored builds. I made this one up as the term OSS above could be mistaken for OxygenOS.



Short for personal digital assistant. The common smartphone nowadays are basically more advanced PDAs with telephony features such as phone calls & SMS. Used to be the default name for smartphones in this page, at least until I de-deluded myself off the belief that smartphones can be made private by default (because with a SIM card & cellular connection, it will always be tracked).


Per; also pers / perself / perse, short for person, as coined by either Chief GNUisance Richard Stallman or the GNU movement. Not to be confused with "per" that also means since.

This is used only whenever I'm not sure what pronoun I should call the person with. By the way, unless we met in real life, use whatever pronoun you'd like. Including per/perse mentioned here (preferable to using "them/they" on me). Even if it sounds rather dumb.

Pocket box

A term coined by Cracked in their "honest" phone ad.

Currently, it's used to refer to a cellphone that's purposefully disconnected to all networks & set to airplane mode just to emphasize this fact.


Short for Privacy Mod.


The term that gets misused by manufacturers when they release a device that isn't actually Pro, or when an operating system isn't up to a pro user's specs (Windows).

For example, the Mate 10 & Mate 10 "Pro", where the Mate 10 has a micro SD, headphone jack, & 1440p display the "Pro" variant lacks for whatever reason.

Another example that explains themselves well enough would be most "Pro" phones without "Pro" features such as the aforementioned headphone jack and/or microSD. Guess those "Pros" don't want to hear / listen the shit they're making - they just wanna look smug with their fancy-ass cameras & supahcolahpul AMOLED displays.

Apple is also guilty of spamming "Pro" on their machines. I dunno about you, but which "Pro" guys are they aiming at? "Pro" cameraman who thinks pers' cameras should answer phone calls & use horrifyingly bloated software whose bloat is disguised by excess CPU power? Or "pros" who constantly plugs & unplugs dongles for 90% of hardware work?

An example of a cellphone that's probably the most worthy of the "Pro" title is Sony's Xperia Pro - sure, it's twice as expensive as regular flagships - but nearly all "Pro" features are around (headphone jack, microSD) except for easy to remove battery (as in the battery can be removed without any other tool than your own fingers & hands).

And finally, an example so underpriced the "Pro" title stapled on it is just absurd is the Poco X3 Pro - take the X3N, nerf its rear cameras (which are meh anyway IMO), add in performance boost like UFS 3.1 & Snapdragon 860, & voila - instant budget "Pro" cellphone... minus the 5G thing on the Xperia Pro & the easy to remove battery.





Some sort of "safety" check for Android. But really, it's more like a DRM check, where, if tripped, blocks access to apps that has these check. Pokemon Go is an example of those who needlessly uses this shit.

Deprecated in favor of Play Integrity, which does the same thing except more actively un-bypassed.


A metasearch engine. Here's the list of searX instances (Javascript required).

Signature Spoofing

The ability to fake the presence of a service. While this sounds like a security risk, it is unfortunately needed for microG & FakeStore.


A highly cynical & deliberate typo on "super colorful".


"Tech enthusiast" religion

Just your average spec sheet addicts, whose "gods" are the big tech (in addition to whichever actual religion they claim to follow), and whose "priests" are either the aforementioned big tech's humanlike drones or the "reviewers" employed to spread the "gospel" that is newfangled tech fads, new devices, and all that crap, sometimes with the additional blessing of YouTube. Trust me, I came from that "religion" until I tried to fuck off since 2023.

A real tech enthusiast (if I ever saw one) may have some spicier words to say against the techspace.


Short for The Onion Router by the Tor Project. They have onion logo.



Short for User Interface.


Short for User eXperience.




X3N / X3P

Short for X3 NFC / X3 Pro.



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