Offline mode : How to fix most games

Last update : 11/11/2024

- Introduction -
Case study : Fate/Grand Order
Case study : Genshin Impact
Case study : Infinity Blade III
Case study : Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Random deboonkings
- Conclusion -


Since I feel somewhat inspired by the Stop Killing Games initiative by Ross Scott of Accursed Farms (despite its issues which I will nitpick below) I might as well take a slice of the action & make my own little take on their stuff. Maybe I'll be adding more soon?

But seriously, online-only games leave the player at the mercy of those who shouldn't be in the position (which will be listed below) & forces the player to buy more stuff they don't need (unfortunately I'm not talking about in-app purchases where you get in-app currencies to keep you tied to the game - I meant hardware to support those online-only crap like more advanced devices - computers, phones, routers, network plans). Consider this page a continuation of my previous mobile gaming rant as well.


First off, the assets. One obvious way would be to provide archive files (in the universal .tar.gz and/or .zip format; not some proprietary one that can only be used by just one app), which would be extracted by the app. For cross-platform games (like something that supports Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and/or any other operating systems you can think of), this should also allow you to take these files from one of your device & play it on your other device that's running some other operating system, and vice versa. 30/11/2024 Update : Simply copy/pasting the files into the relevant folders is one possible method, but only if the relevant folders can be accessed without any kinds of elevated access.

As for expansion patches like new chapters in some games, one way to accomodate it is to update the archive files (at least the parts that got affected by the expansions and/or updates) before making an additional archive file for it.

Installation executables (.apk, .exe, .msi) also count here, if it wasn't obvious. However, unlike the rest of the assets which uses those archive formats, the executables must use their targeted environment's executable format, and as one universal file (as in one .apk for Android, 1 .exe or .msi for Windows) rather than several files based off the target's CPU architecture. As for Linux, maybe package it in the official repository? Anyway, the installers should be provided by the games' publishers themselves (or a neutral archive) instead of being left to hang in some monopolist's app store.


Honestly, using online accounts to back up game data is one thing (it's a mark against user privacy but also provides convenience?), but our best alternative for such things would be to use the same shit we use for our assets, but with one twist : Archive files, made by the app / program itself in some parts of its options, using the same format.

For specific genres like roguelikes (as it's the only one with enough reason to justify it), I don't mind not having any backup solution since it could remove one of the core tenets of these games - replay from beginning, learning as you go. Then again, someone out there can be inconvenienced by not immediately having access to their favorite characters, so if any data backups were to be made for these games, any in-game progress shouldn't be backed up.

For inherently online-only genres like battle royales, using online accounts are the only way, unfortunately. But let's not force users to use the megacorp account and/or phone numbers as the default, for email (or username) is already servicable enough.


For gameplay, this one highly depends on the game & its genre. Obviously, we can't fully make inherently online-only genres like battle royale & MMO offline-only - maybe their practice modes could but never the important multiplayer stuff these games are really designed for. At the very least, we should make those online-dependent genres work on user-controlled servers.

Obviously, this refers to making offline play possible for games, and since this is so simple, here's the relevant part : Just make it so it can be played offline by default, but leave event attendance & (maybe) in-app purchases limited to those who plays while having internet access. We already have the assets & the data in place, we should also give the game the offline mode it so deserves.

Case study : Fate/Grand Order

After playing with (or being played by) FGO (the Global / NA build) for 7 years across 2 accounts, I declare FGO to be one of the games that doesn't deserve being welded to Sony's servers.

Case study : Genshin Impact

Just by looking at Genshin's gameplay I already know Hoyoverse fucked up. Seriously, this kind of gameplay is NOT suitable for Cloud™ gaming AT ALL. I mean, imagine the two latest Legend of Link Zelda (BotW & TotK), but make either online-only. At the very least Nintendo knew their aforementioned two titles doesn't deserve to be ruined the same way GI did. And Nintendo is a notorious oppressor towards its consumers & fans, so that's saying something. But then again, I've gone off topic on Nintendo, so let's get back to analyzing GI.

Case study : Infinity Blade III

For starters, this is not exactly the best example. IB3 is iOS-only, but Apple deleted them off their App Store, forcing those who want to play IB3 to sideload it. It also doesn't run reliably on newer iOS. But still, here's why IB3 makes for a mostly perfect mix between offline & online (at least when Apple & Chair/Epic supported them).

Case study : Shattered Pixel Dungeon

"OH SHIT MY PHONE!!!", screamed the one person who dropped his / her Pixel phone & shattered its display (or back panel; or both). That person wasn't Bob, as he swore something far worse before launching his Pixel 3 to a random bullet train moving at full speed & reducing it to shit I can only display, as not even the camera modules made it.

Pixel phone jokes tied to random personal anecdote aside, SPD is a roguelike - one of those games that will force you to the beginning when you end the game in either defeat or victory. And since it's open source with multiple builds across several operating systems, it makes for a decent subject.

Random deboonkings (because I had fun making this shit up)

BUT...BUT MUH PIRACEEEEE!!! Tone it down will you; you bootlicking cuck?! Look, call it however you like, but any & all attempts to block piracy will only result in making it shittier for those who legally owned them, and forcing people to the seven seas & risking the mafia's unwanted attention just to reobtain something you've abandoned sucks, doesn't it? Therefore, just don't worry about it, since some of those pirates may also be your next customers - scaring customers away ain't good for your bottom line ain't it?

BUT MAKING IT ONLINE-ONLY WILL MAKE PIRACY IRRELEVANT! ...yeaah... about that. You've just tied your stuff to some faceless nobody's servers, which they will have full access to, and who you might never interact with in your life. From the data they want from you to everything the game needs to run (and the unneccesary spy bloat that got mixed in either by accident or on purpose). Please imagine how your online-only game will age ≥5 years from now. No longer playable because the server's killed, and I don't see anyone getting it running again because it simply isn't possible. ...I don't like saying it but "I told you so"; I suppose?

ONLINE DRM FROM APP STORE!!! YEAAAAH!!! Congratulations, you've just declared that the devices we bought with our own resources belonged to Apple / Goolag / Microsoft + whoever made and/or sold "your" device. For you and your family's sake, stay away from me, otherwise I am bound by duty & oath to permanently ex-ter-min-ate your infectiously loathsome existence & make it an example of what not to do in our limited lifetime. And yes, this applies to shit like SafetyNet Play Integrity as well.

Wait, did you just propose for a ≥1GB .apk?! ...actually no. Just one .apk file - doesn't matter how large it is (smaller is preferred though), but just large enough for the game to work & run its required assets (which should be separately released, following this page's recommendation). That said, the largest .apk file I've encountered to date (13/1/2025) was one from Katawa Shoujo Re-Engineered, which clocks out at 1GB (or 1,050,789 kilobytes to be a bit more precise) (as of 2.0.0; from GitHub Releases because F-Droid's build nuked some parts & Codeberg Releases doesn't have any downloadable .apk files) ; and it contains everything it needed - assets included. So yeah, it could go that way, if we ignore the long install times.

But Google demands Android App Bundles, what are you going to do about that? I kind of remembered mentioning this in the assets section, did I? ...but then again consider publishing it anywhere else other than Play Store or any other corpos' app stores (like GOG or an example of where to publish)? Of course, coming back to the previously mentioned KSRE above, that thing was open source, so I guess Git Releases only works for those kind of games...



TL;DR : Stop making online-only games unless the genre explicitly justifies it. Make them work offline. And don't fuck with your customers.

But seriously, there's not much "conclusion" to be made at this point, so I'll point out some of SKG's more nitpickable issues instead. Only allowing EU citizens (there were some petitions for other countries but some got closed) to attend the initiative; only targeting Ubisoft for irresponsibly dropping The Crew; and having a shit website that demands JS & is cuckflared. OK, maybe I could just briefly explain them...

But then again, all these are nitpicks & might be small in scale compared to what I hoped Ross had in mind, so here's my unofficial & unsanctioned support I guess...

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