Android personal app list
Last updated : 6/3/2025 (Introducing Next Player, and some personal setups)
This article is to list out the Android apps that I use. It's just as nutshelled as the ROM list, since it uses the same format.
All apps I've mentioned here will run without internet and/or Goolag Play dis-services, unless mentioned otherwise.
Here are the things I generally require out of the apps I use:
- Works without internet access (does not apply for apps explicitly meant to run with internet such as app stores, browsers, email clients, instant messengers, and online-only games).
- Works without depending on Google Play Services / microG. Exceptions are made only for online-only games, but not having a hard Play Services dependency is still highly preferred.
- Downloadable through Git releases / F-Droid / official site (with the last one preferring a non-soydev site), not just some Telegram groups and/or Google Play Store (and any of their unofficial mirrors, such as APKMirror / APKPure / uptodown).
- In continuation of the 3rd requirement above, the app must be downloadable as a single full APK, not some split APKs. Full APKs for different architectures are tolerated as long as they work & don't need a separate installer app other than the system's inbuilt package installer.
- If the app features a paid-only Play Store exclusive feature unlocker, all requirements listed above this point aside from downloadable through other sources will be applied.
Some nice to have things:
- No integrations with internet requirements (like Google Now) unless absolutely necessary. May also serve as a double count for my 1st requirement.
- Open source (serves as a double count for my 3rd requirement, if considering Git releases / F-Droid)
- Properly maintained, with effort to ensure it works on the latest Android version without breaking any default functionalities. Old & unmaintained apps might be fine, but as time goes on & users update to the latest Android version, these apps may eventually not work; so I cannot really recommend those apps unless you're fine with whatever tradeoff it could have. Moved down here since I don't daily drive ≥A13.
For the past archive, here's the link.
Mentions :
- Aves : While decent, it's a bit bloated for my tastes (and in the wrong ways too).
- Simple Gallery Pro : Previous gallery app of choice, abandoned in favor of the currently maintained Fossify Gallery. More on Simple Moile Tools here.
Fossify Gallery
Simple, open source & straightforward gallery app; just like Simple Mobile Tools. Can exclude folders, hiding its media from curious eyes (but not the file manager and/or any other gallery apps you may have installed). Lacks subtitle support for videos though, so I end up pairing this with another video app.
Dishonorable mentions :
- VLC : I'm not cool with combining music & video. In addition, blocking microphone permission using AppOps (back in Android 9 / Pie) may prevent the app from functioning (why does a media player need microphone access?).
- Simple / Fossify Gallery : Usable video player (without any audio file support), though no subtitle support. Any left / right swipes will have you replay whatever you're watching from the start.
Honorable mentions :
- mpvKt (GitHub Releases / IzzyOnDroid /) : mpv‐android with a nicer interface & more controls, including the long-familiar doubleᾒtap to seek from YouTube. Inbuilt file picker uses DocumentsUI, though I would still use Fossify Gallery as my improptu file picker. Slide seeker isn't as seamless as mpv-android - there's some delay between moving to any point of the video & it playing again.
- mpv‐android (GitHub Releases) libmpv compiled into an Android app. Inbuilt file picker uses DocumentsUI, though mpv‐android used to have a rather lackluster file picker before this. Supports music playback (in foreground) despite its video-focused interface. In ArrowOS A11 (with the final 2022 security patch it had applied), I had to tap once before mpv responds to any sort of slide gestures.
Next Player
A native Android video player. It's actually lighter than mpv‐android &40;which is also nice considering Next Player also bundles their own file picker, which I ignore in favour of Fossify Gallery) & runs video files better than the 2 mpv‐android apps I've currently relegated to the honorable mentions.
Theoretically, I could combine Music & Video if I were using VLC or any other video players (though with some concessions on the file browser depending on the video app). However, I'm not a fan of such approach.
Dishonorable mentions :
- VLC : See the video section for the reason, though I also tested it as a music app & it's just like everyone else nowadays - Triple tap to rewind / previous track treated as double tap for next & single tap to pause without any option for button controls.
- PowerAmp : Basically a Goolag-only paid music player, free version tied to 15-day trial before expiration. I used to enjoy this back when I am still fully invested in the Goolag ecosystem.
- MPV (both mpv-android & mpvKt) : Video-focused interface combined with a file browser not suited for the job. Sorry, but a dedicated music player is better than video/audio players (including MPV) at all fronts (at least for music).
- Fossify Music : Fossify's Simple Music replacement. Double tap with media button results in what single tap would do, triple tap is double + single tap. I'd say this is Fossify's weakest application, at least for now.
Honorable mentions :
- Symphony : Mostly similar to Simple Music, but with a more comfortable UI (including a dedicated file browser), no customizable icons, auto updates (can be disabled in Settings), & persistent "favorites" playlist. However, triple tap with headset control button to previous track does not work (it gets treated as double-tap for next title & a single tap for pause instead; and headset button controls can't be modified), which unfortunately kills it for me.
- Simple Music 5.17.1 : SimpleMobileTools' music player. Interface is not as practical as AIMP, there's less options (no control over how headphone buttons interact with the music player, for example - although it's not necessarily a bad thing when it works the way it's supposed to be); but at least it's open source (which is better than the closed-source AIMP if you're concerned with source codes). Used to have some issue where library resets when storage is removed, but 5.15.0 fixes it (16/8/2023 Update : Simple Music now implements media rescanning, though only for tracks tab). 15/9/2023 Update : With 5.18.0 (or 5.18.1 to be slightly more precise, as it's the version I tested), Simple Music joins Auxio & Symphony in replacing triple tap with headset button with double tap for next & single tap to pause - I'm back to good old AIMP now, but if I had to choose Simple Music (if & only if AIMP can no longer reliably run on my devices, which I never got into), I'd go with 5.17.1 (F-Droid / GitHub).
I was looking for another music player app to replace AIMP. But then again, I probably shouldn't, considering AIMP 3.10.1052 still works, I'll just keep that page up just in case.
AIMP Android (3.10.1052)
Short for (maybe?) Artem Izmaylov Music Player, or as I've enjoyed calling it, Artyom Is Music Player, this was the best music player on Android IMO, until the newer builds came along. 3.10.1052 is the last version that works according to my preferences (and also without Scoped Storage by default, for anyone who despises it), as later builds ignores the "jump to file beginning on single previous button click" option for headset commands by default without any way to change it.
23/12/2023 Update : Tested out 4.05.1390 (which was latest at time of writing), and triple tap can be set to either previous track (still ignores "jump to file beginning" option) or rewind (where music playback is set back by rewind delta in Settings > Playback instead of back to beginning by default). "Double tap switches the tracks" (Settings > Control > Volume Buttons) can also be used to change tracks, which can be used as a workaround for when you have triple tap to rewind (and "set" it to rewind to beginning by putting any length of time longer than most tracks would ever have into rewind delta) & need something for previous track. While all of these are somewhat better than most music players (especially ones bundling in stock Exoplayer / media3 - those just go double tap to next & single tap to pause) it's still not the old standard of triple tap to rewind and/or previous track at beginning of playback.
No dishonorable mentions (Except for AOSP Camera2 which has a terrible UI), since I don't use my cameras that much to the point of needing GCam in my daily life.
Honorable mentions :
- GCam Go by Greatness : Closed source & lacks interface customizations, but at least doesn't demand GApps. Known working builds for me are GCam Go Special Build 2 & GCam Go NS2, with the latter being inbuilt on some ROMs in the X3(N/P) (at least in A11). No shutter sound controls.
- GrapheneOS' Camera : A camera app based on Android CameraX library, made by GrapheneOS. Simple to set up & use, though I never figured out how to use my V30's additional cameras with this one. By the way, I heard some phones can't disable shutter sound using this camera app - while a minor issue (considering I don't use camera all that often), I'd rather have no shutter sound at all, so this one gets demoted to a mention.
Default prebuilt
The default prebuilt camera varies between ROMs & I don't need to replace them for most of the time as I don't use them all that often. However, AOSP Camera2 that are sometimes prebuilt has the least pleasant UI IMO, which causes it to be replaced.
Open Camera
Another one of my preferred replacement camera app (even after GrapheneOS camera app debuted). It's more complex to set up & use (mainly in disabling always-max brightness & shutter sound), but it can identify & use additional camera modules in phones (at least for phones that fully support it, such as LG V30); as well as disable shutter sound for those noisy cameras. Interestingly, development is hosted in SourceForge instead of GitHub / GitLab; unlike most of everything I've heard of.
Notepad / text editor
Honorable mentions :
- SimpleTextEditor (maxistar) : Good for text editing, not for when you don't want to permanently keep some texts.
- Leaflet : POSP's official notepad app, also with online note syncing. Does not support .txt.
- Literal paper notepad (and your writing tools) : Far faster than notepad apps, but unfortunately placed here since this is a phone app list. Oh yeah ‐ you do also need to carry additional stuff instead of having it on your shitbar.
Fossify Notes
Fossify's notepad app. Not sure if the 1MB restriction from Simple Notes is there, but it doesn't really matter anyway as only hosts files (as far as mine usually are) go beyond 1MB (and I'd rather open it on Geany / Mousepad / Notepad++ anyway).
Document reader
Librera Reader (Pro)
A feature-rich document reader that supports various formats, including PDF. Personally, I use the F-Droid build (from GitHub releases) as it doesn't have internet access. (13/6/2024 Update : It now has internet permission, but I still use F-Droid(GitHub) build out of habit.)
Optional (you're better off using paper & drawing tools) since it's not used all that often - 4-7' panels just aren't great drawing boards especially without a stylus (and that is if the device and/or its ROM even supports one).
Fossify Paint
Fossify's drawing app.
Mentions :
- Simple Calculator : Simple Mobile Tools' calculator app. Lacked a result preview. No Fossify equivalent yet.
- OnePlus Calculator : A calculator app made by OnePlus. Works like what you could expect out of a prebuilt calculator app & is an OEM app that work without GApps. 3/2/2024 update : removing link because fuck APKMirror.
Default prebuilt
Actually, the prebuilt calculator on every ROM is usable enough, save for the lack of theme customizations (depending on what's inbuilt - ≥A12L stock calculator generally follows the system theme).
Pretty much prebuilt calculator with added theme customizations. Granted, I don't get to use this all that often since most ROMs I use have a prebuilt calculator (with the notable exception of A11 ArrowOS), but it's somewhat nice that we can have a fallback calculator that's open source.
Not used all that often since there's the superior paper calendar.
Dishonorable mentions :
- AOSP calendar : Looks irredeemably terrible. Also, it demands Goolag sign-in (without sign-in & internet access, at best it's a view-only app).
- Google calendar : While it looks better than AOSP calendar (which isn't that high of a bar to pass), it still demands Goolag sign-in.
Honorable mentions :
- Etar (LineageOS fork) : In a nutshell, it's AOSP calendar without Goolag sign-in demand on opening, & after getting used to how it looks, I'd say that it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, one ugly side of this calendar is that it's not available on GitHub releases - F-Droid & Play Store only; and neither of them are compatible with the prebuilt Etar (which is actually forked with a different package name). Compared to Simple Calendar, Etar is unable to set events without a calendar account, which can easily be made in Etar's own settings.
- Simple Calendar Pro : Simple Mobile Tools' calendar app.
- A literal paper calendar : Shows your local regions' holidays, unlike all calendar apps by default. While this undoubtedly makes paper superior, this is the phone apps list... so I can only stick it up the honorable mentions.
Fossify Calendar
Fossify's calendar app. Doesn't seem as well maintained as SMT used to be, but as long as it's usable...
No more honorable / dishonorable mentions; as stock clock app just works well enough for me that I'd never think of testing other apps (and possibly jeopardizing my schedules, if I ever put them on my devices).
Default prebuilt
The prebuilt clock app is usable enough, ignoring the lack of theme customizations. On Pie, Graphene-A12, and A10/A11 (with disabled dark theme); it looks like shit, with its all blue theme (it's not as bad in A10 & A11 with dark theme enabled, but still, it doesn't have theme customizations).
I prefer to disable any kind of swipe typing, autocorrect, autocapitalization, word suggestions, & all other BS cruft (including sound) built into a keyboard app. Vibration stays enabled (which is unfortunately irrelevant starting with A13 as it fuses keyboard vibrations with navbar vibrations for whatever reason - and most keyboards based on AOSP keyboard can't apply their own vibration settings once systemwide touch vibration is offed in Settings > Sound & vibration) as I ended up getting a bit too used to it after trying it out in early 2020.
Dishonorable mentions :
- SwiftKey : Trash keyboard, nothing more. Swipe typing enabled by default but can be disabled, word suggestions that can't be disabled at all, & Microsoft unsolicited connections are just examples of the bad stuff on this one.
- GBoard : What the AOSP keyboard was supposed to be, but with added Go-ogle unsolicited connections & other kinds of bloat, such as swipe typing. At least there's more themes, I suppose?
- Simple Keyboard (SMT) : SMT's keyboard app, not to be confused with rkkr's one, found below. 6/6/2023 Update : Keyboard vibration works even in A13, but clipboard tab above the keyboard is immutable, sometimes it capitalizes first letter, and emoji shortcut is unremoveable. All in all, this is one of SimpleMobileTools' weaker applications. 6/4/2024 Update : Moved to dishonorable mentions - I'd imagine Fossify's fork in honorable mentions, if I don't mind degrading my keyboard app of choice.
- FlorisBoard : AnySoftKeyboard, but with a different settings interface. FlorisBoard 0.3.16 stable ignores AOSP vibration settings if "Ignore system haptic settings" are enabled & "Trigger vibration directly" is disabled in Keyboard > Sounds & Vibration (though vibration isn't exactly the best). Currently too focused on implementing word suggestions (pointless bloat IMO) to the point stable updates (last known stable is aforementioned 0.3.16 from 13 June 2022) are delayed for not having this feature. 13/6/2024 Update : Moving to dishonorable mentions; 2 years (literally exactly) of stable build delays for pointless word suggestions.
Honorable mentions :
- AnySoftKeyboard : Highly customizable, but with plenty of offensive cruft enabled by default.
- OpenBoard : AOSP keyboard, but with more customizations. Only reason I don't use it for long-term prebuilt keyboard replacement is because it's not as light as Simple Keyboard by rkkr (and OpenBoard is less well-maintained as well). All in all, it's a "why bother?" for me. However, with some security patches in 2021 in AOSP making replacement keyboards cannot be enabled, I use OpenBoard only to "jumpstart" my replacement keyboard app by installing it, enabling it (which also enables my replacement), and uninstalling it once Simple Keyboard (rkkr) works to spec.
- Default prebuilt : The prebuilt AOSP keyboard is sometimes usable for me (at least if I don't care about bordered buttons), though it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of customizability. AOSP Keyboard has an unremoveable emoji shortcut for whatever reason. Also, in ≥A13, for whatever reason, Android kills keyboard vibrations if touch vibration is turned off, regardless of the settings in AOSP keyboard (though its forks work to various degrees of reliability).
Simple Keyboard (rkkr)
Similar to OpenBoard, it's basically AOSP keyboard with more customizations. However, it's lighter than the former & packs in less offensive cruft than both OpenBoard & AOSP keyboard (no spellcheck, swipe typing, word prediction bar, emoji BS). Thanks to these, it's now my prebuilt keyboard replacement of choice. As it's an AOSP keyboard fork, it's unfortunately subject to Goolag's touch vibration setting issue in ≥A13 (though not as bad as it still works only when keypress vibration duration is set to "system default"). Also doesn't see consistent release & maintenance, but I don't mind it as rkkr's Simple Keyboard is 100% finished aside from whatever work is needed to make it work with latest Android (something I'd never use nowadays).
This Simple Keyboard is not a part of SMT's app suite, despite the name (and SMT has their own similarly named keyboard app which I mentioned).
No dishonorable mentions for now, aside from Nova requiring Prime unlocker for full features (and closed source) & Lawnchair denying icon pack installation when a "piracy tool" is installed.
I am currently looking for another launcher app to replace Nova.
Default prebuilt
Default prebuilt launcher works, though experience varies by the ROM. Personally, I'd rather run Nova if possible, but this works if I couldn't.
Nova Launcher (2021 Prime, 7.0.57)
The best launcher for me, with lots of customizations. It's unfortunately closed source, but that's what you get with permissive (read : cuck) licenses like Apache License - you may fork an open-source software & close-source it. Also, it has some sort of telemetry that can be disabled in Nova Settings > Advanced > Error & usage reporting (and/or disable internet access for Nova Launcher).
To get the Prime unlocker, you might want to collaborate with someone with a Goolag account & extract the APK from their devices (or find it in the seven seas). Just keep in mind that you will need a Goolag ID that "paid" for the Prime unlocker if you're running a GApps-infested ROM.
As for the Nova Launcher itself, I'll link the version I'm currently using to Nova Launcher's own site (you can also use Play Store "mirrors" if you want to).
File Manager
Default prebuilt
Prebuilt & available in the ROM from the get go. Enough for regular uses, but couldn't read anything else outside /storage (SD Maid handles everything else outside /storage & TWRP is sufficient for me when I want to tamper with system files). As of A11, the default file manager is unable to write to /Android.
No links can be provided, as they're prebuilt in every ROMs.
Console emulators
Unless mentioned otherwise, BIOS files are required. microSD (≥64GB at least, maybe more depending on whatever else you're storing there) is recomended if your device has a slot for it.
Dishonorable mentions :
- AetherSX2 (post 1.5-3668 - 1.4-3064 & 1.5-4248) : Once known as "the only good PS2 emulator"; at least until Tahlreth (or Stenzek?) got pushed a bit too far & abandoned AetherSX2, only to return & ruin his old creation. NetherSX2 is there to undo the sabotage, but it exists only as patches for the AetherSX2 1.5-(3668/4248) apks.
- DamonPS2 : Play Store exclusive, ads on both regular & "Pro" version, online-only, blatant & unpunished GPL violation, and coercive demands for purchases at all times inside the app (at least on regular version, from what I've heard).
- DraStic : Play Store exclusive, designed to break on purpose if cracked (latest version seem to remove the offending DRM, but I cannot personally confirm it). Considering the latter, I doubt it'll run on degoogled environments (vanilla / microG). However, at the very least, this emulator is no longer updated (6/4/2024 Update : it's back on Play Store & is now gratis, though still closed source).
- EggNS : Used to be the DamonPS2 of Nintendo Switch (until the aforementioned DamonPS2 actually made their Switch emulator called DamonSwitch), except instead of online-only DRM it demands a Gamesir controller.
- RetroArch : Emulator modules (cores) cannot be obtained without using the app & connecting it to the internet. This alone disqualifies what could be the one-app-for-all-consoles emulator.
- Yuzu : Along with Citra (a 3DS emulator), it folded after Nintendo sicced a lawsuit on their company (with the dev team settling out of court). 19/4/2024 Update : The devs behind Citra & Yuzu turned out to have some rotten history against emulation, as seen in a redditor's writeup. Not that Nintendo is any better, but still.
Honorable mentions (as far as ones I haven't personally used yet) :
- Nintendo DS
- NooDS : A (hopefully, following the developer's goal) speedy DS emulator, also with GBA backwards compatibility.
- Skyline (requires production & title keys; and optionally Adreno drivers for Snapdragon devices)
Personally used, but it hasn't convinved me to go full emulation for Switch yet. 8/5/2023 Update : Nintendo's DMCA attack on lockpick (a software for extracting Switch keys) caused the devs to back off Switch emulation & discontinue Skyline (and some of them "transitioned" to Strato).
- PS2 : Play! (doesn't require BIOS; untested)
AetherSX2 1.5-4248, with Tahlreth's ad additions patched out (there's also NetherSX2-classic which adds in NetherSX2 additions to 1.5-3668). While it's usable, licensing issues makes NetherSX2 only available as scripts for building and/or patching the apk yourself. You also can't install NetherSX2 over (or alongside) AetherSX2, so be ready to set up things again.
DIY xdelta patching for NetherSX2 (or NetherSX2-classic) :
- Download the latest NetherSX2 xdelta file, along with AetherSX2 1.5-4248 (now available on NetherSX2 GitHub Releases, but here's for old AetherSX2 site & its snapshot) - remember to keep a spare copy around for future patchings. If you're going for NetherSX2-classic, replace 1.5-4240 with 1.5-3668 & use the -classic files.
- Download the latest DeltaPatcher, choosing the correct build for your computer's operating system.
- Unpack & execute DeltaPatcher (Linux, in terminal : chmod a+x DeltaPatcher before executing)
- In DeltaPatcher, put AetherSX2 apk in "Original file" & NetherSX2 xdelta to "XDelta patch", then tap "Apply patch". This won't work for already patched AetherSX2 (or NetherSX2 by now) apks, so be sure to keep a spare unpatched apk for this route.
"Is that AetherSX2 but for PS1 emulation?" would be my first impression on DuckStation (also consider the fact that I have used AetherSX2 for longer than I even heard of DuckStation). There's tons of similarities found in both, down to the language.
melonDS Android
Unofficial Android port of melonDS. No BIOS files required (at least if not using DSiWare). Landscape is available only if auto-rotate is enabled systemwide.
The only PSP emulator anyone should use. No BIOS files required.
Support for Scoped Storage is present since 1.12. ppsspp_legacy.apk (development build only) is available if you can't or don't want to use Scoped Storage.
- Official site uses Google Trust certificates. Also used to demand 1st-party scripts, but now redesigned to no longer do so, for the most part. For downloading development builds, JS for & XHR for needs to be enabled.
- Official download link (Stable | Development)
- GitHub Repo
Root managers
This covers root solutions & root managing apps.
Mentions :
- Shizuku : Allows direct usage of system APIs through either ADB / root. Generally faster than directly using Magisk, but there's not much things I use that require elevated system APIs (AFWall+ & AdAway explicitly requires root to function, for 2 examples) that I am currently not using it for now.
- KernelSU (GitHub / Releases | Documentation) : The latest root solution for Android. Compared to Magisk (in terms of root interaction with apps), apps need to be whitelisted for root access instead of being able to interact with it by default. I no longer use this since KernelSU stable is only aimed towards GKI kernels, abandoning all pre-GKI devices (which affects all of my devices).
12/11/2024 Update : backslashxx has forked KernelSU to support legacy devices.
5/3/2025 LATE Update : KernelSU‐Next seems to lead the march for KernelSU for legacy devices.
- APatch (GitHub Releases | Documentation) : Magisk's boot.img patching installations mixed with KernelSU UX. Mostly ties me to stock kernel whenever I use it.
The de-facto root solution, with the added ability to hide root from apps... at least until KernelSU & root whitelist took over the scene.
Flaws I want to mention :
- Internet access required to hide Magisk Manager (7.4.0 & beyond) (or Magisk app starting with 22.0)
- Automatic update checking cannot be disabled, only prevented from checking in the background. You could disable internet access for Magisk Manager (or Magisk app starting with 22.0), but you'll be unable to hide Magisk Manager and/or find Magisk modules from the app.
SD Maid
SD Maid is a category upon itself due to the things it do.
On first run, will search & ask for root permission before requesting storage & usage access.
13/4/2023 Update : Discontinued in favor of SD Maid SE. It lacks a file manager at the moment of writing, so I'm going to ignore it for now.
List of root-dependent features I'm using :
- App controls - freeze system apps that can't be disabled in the Settings
- CorpseFinder (since July 2024) - discover random stuff in microSD (mainly useless data from some stock apps) that I wasn't aware of & delete them. Though I only do this once.
- File manager - access system files, copy files to /Android/obb (or /data), and extract system files from /system/etc to external storage. No longer able to tamper with system files, but TWRP file manager takes care of that and I usually don't tamper with system once I'm done setting up anyway (at most I would copy hosts file from /system). I must also mention that SD Maid is useless for tampering with other system partitions like /product & /vendor.
- SystemCleaner (since July 2024) - clean random logs from the system, if I remember to do so. Another "once in a blue moon" use case.
Firewall / Network monitor
Dishonorable mentions :
- Glasswire : Useless in Android as it simply extracts network usage data from the system & displays it in the app (and doesn't even identify connections), in contrast to its Windows build (though it randomly pops up its "premium" feature advertisement in exchange for all that it does).
Honorable mentions (VPN-only)
- InviZible Pro (F-Droid build / GitHub Releases) : Somewhat like NetGuard (both uses Android's VPN slot & works with 1 hosts source), but with a more verbose network monitor, added darknet access (I2P & TOR, with latter enabled by default), & DNSCrypt. By the way, TheAnonymouseJoker considers this a cornerstone of his privacy guide, and it's understandable considering the features it has (though to be frank I'd rather take rooted solutions in AFWall+ & PCAPdroid). Also supports root mode, but not recommended as it cripples network monitoring.<
- NetGuard (F-Droid build / GitHub Releases) : VPN-based firewall with some network monitoring abilities. Also offers adblocking in GitHub Releases / F-Droid builds. Unfortunately, some features are locked behind Goolag Play in-app purchases.
Root-only firewall using iptables. Has an unlocker on either Goolag Play Store or in-app purchases (via Goolag Play), which unlocks background theming & hostname logging (with the latter actually being less important since PCAPdroid below fulfills this feature).
The reverse of AFWall+ - root/VPN network monitor with firewalling hidden (not dangled like carrot on a stick) & locked behind either Play Store unlocker and/or license codes.
Hosts manager / ad-blocker
Mentions :
- Blokada : VPN-only ad-blocker, with several prebuilt providers such as StevenBlack & Energized. Blokada 5 doesn't seem to allow additional providers.
- Netguard : See the firewall section above. For more clarifications : While NetGuard allows ad-blocking (if you don't use Goolag's build), you only get one provider, but you get to pick them.
Internet access is needed to update hosts file.
Since 5.1.0, AdAway has a setup wizard that allows you to pick between root / VPN, and persists until either mode is selected (also, the selected mode persists until AdAway got its in-app storage cleaned / reinstalled). AdAway may also automatically check for updates, which could be disabled in Preferences > Automatic updates.
Kernel Manager
Requires root access. I no longer use these, but these should be useful to those who need it.
Dishonorable mentions :
- Franco Kernel Manager (FKM) : Available only as a paid app in Goolag Play Store, & has license checking.
- EX Kernel Manager (EXKM) : Similar to FKM, but I didn't even bothered touching it.
- No Gravity App : Limited device compatibility, update checking once the app is opened, & not open source. At least it's gratis, I suppose?
The sane choice for kernel managers. Fork of the now-discontinued Kernel Adiutor; though no longer maintained since March 2023.
Advantages compared to common kernel managers such as Franco (FKM) & EX:
- Open source
- Unlike FKM & EX, it doesn't have any Goolag license checking BS. It probably doesn't apply to its donation apk though.
- Paid, as in paid in a few megabytes of your internet quota, instead of paid in Goolag Play cash & the aforementioned quota. Actually, it doesn't cost anything other than few seconds off your time downloading, installing, and setting up the app.
- Also available in Github Releases & F-Droid, unlike FKM & EX's Goolag exclusivity. However, with 16.2 exclusively released in Play Store, I'm concerned that this advantage might disappear, especially if future versions aren't available in GitHub / F-Droid.
6/9/2021 Update : Fortunately 16.3 & further are available in GitHub releases.
Flaws that I see & could be removed if you fork and/or self-compile SmartPack:
- Automatic updates enabled by default without any ways to disable it other than blocking SmartPack from internet.
- Interface customizations locked behind a paywall, which requires a donation apk.
- SELinux switcher in Misc (can be hidden in Settings)
No Gravity App
The recommended kernel manager for No Gravity Kernel. Not included with the kernel, so it has to be installed separately, if required.
Advantages compared to common kernel managers such as Franco (FKM) & EX:
- Unlike FKM & EX, it doesn't have any Goolag license checking BS.
- Paid, as in paid in a few megabytes of your internet quota, instead of paid in Goolag Play cash & the aforementioned quota. In other words, it's gratis.
Flaws :
- No source code available
- SELinux switcher that can't be hidden (best chance of "hiding" it is to make sure you're the only one who can open the app)
- Limited compatibility - supports only devices with available NGK builds
- Update checking that ties app opening with internet speed when the app has access to the internet. Unfortunately, the only obvious way to "disable" auto updates is to block the app from internet.
Backup App
Apps that backup your app data. Requires root access unless mentioned.
Mentions :
- Migrate : An alternative to Titanium Backup, it backs up data in a TWRP-flashable zip.
- Titanium Backup : The ye olde backup app that just works (at least back in Pie). However, it's closed source, has questionable permissions such as phone & contacts, & locks some features behind a "Pro" paywall with Goolag license checking (license key without Goolag is available, though it requires PayPal).
- Seedvault : An open source backup tool made by Calyx, it has made its way to various ROMs' /system/priv-app folder. Haven't used this one yet, so I can't say how reliable this is yet. Doesn't seem to need root, as it seems to be primarily aimed at users running locked bootloaders.
Neo Backup
A continuation of OAndBackup. After trying out release 7.0.0 (when it was OAndBackupX), I can conclude that it's currently shaping up to be my backup tool of choice, even if it has some imperfections. 4/12/2024 Update : I now rely on Neo Backup for backing up Android games. And I generally back app data, device data, external data, & media if applicable; mostly since I already have the installer files (APK & OBB when necessary) on the ready.
Formerly known as OAndBackupX, it was renamed to Neo Backup in 27/3/2022.
App Manager
Requires root access.
Honorable mentions :
- MyAndroidTools : Former app manager of choice, until I tried out Warden. Simple & intuitive interface, but closed source, has opt-out telemetry, & no longer maintained / updated past 2019. No longer works after November 2021 A11 security patch.
- Warden : Replaced by AppManager (only in name as I still use Warden). Seems to be abandoned since there's no updates past 2020.
AppManager by MuntashirAkon
My current personal app manager of choice, replacing the probably abandoned Warden for recommendations' sake (I still use Warden, but with network access disabled). I don't agree with an app having an expiry date, but since it can be bypassed, I could overlook it.
What I don't use & will never use
Kernel "optimizers" / "tweakers"
The likes of FDE.AI, LSpeed, NFS Injector, MAGNETAR, & LKT. In short - questionable benefits )I dunno, 3 more FPS in the "latest" excessively bloated "game" you're playing that you won't normally detect?) with loads of issues (random reboots, stuff randomly turning off, unfixable Redmi K20 "Pro" bricking (particularly after FDE.AI), etc.).
KTweak is better in every regards compared to the crapshoots above (there's an actual thought & purpose for the tweaks, for example), but I can't justify installing this when I don't have any need for kernel optimizers / tweakers.
A more proper alternative to these tweakers would be a kernel manager, though I don't really use one nowadays.
Patcher apps
The likes of Lucky Patcher & Uret Patcher. Here's a short list explaining why I don't bother with them (at least for myself).
- Closed source - even if you know what the patcher is supposed to do, you won't know how it does what it's meant to do. In addition, there is no proper documentation to explain how the patcher works. (probably to prevent the patcher from being unable to patch things out, but who knows)
- There's no official site for either AFAIK -, LP's alleged official site, has the same feel as one of those ad-ridden copypaste sites with Android-related content. This, compounded with the lack of documentation, is a big red flag on those patchers.
- For whatever purpose these apps are made, they just don't work. Case example - back in February 2020, I tried LP just to deal with a cousin's Minecraft PE license checking issue (using LP was his idea, & he's running a rooted Pixel Experience at that time). Simply said, it doesn't work & Minecraft PE force-closes itself as soon as it's opened, so I advised him to stop playing Minecraft (which he did, fortunately).
- Even if LP (or any of these "magical" patchers) somehow works, chances are I am already using something that didn't require me to constantly rely on any patchers (well, except for NetherSX2 & its xdelta script, but that's a fix for a sabotaged AetherSX2). For example, why should I bother patching PowerAmp Trial just to make it usable for longer than 14 days when AIMP 3.10.1052 (or Simple Music 5.17.1) perfectly covers my music app needs & are considered superior to PowerAMP?
In addition, I never have faced a situation where I have a paid app that I must "patch" away just so it could work, at least for now... (even Animus: Stand Alone & Nova Launcher Prime doesn't need LP to make it work on Vanilla / microG AOSP)
4/12/2024 Update : ReVanced also falls in these category, except it's open source (and has a more direct site that demands JS & XHR). It also targets corpo apps, which makes it something I don't generally use.
Cloud Storage
Why should I bother relying on a storage controlled by someone else & can only be accessed via internet, when I have microSD and/or USB drive (maybe add in an external hard drive / SSD as well) ready to be drawn out at all times?
DRM media streamers (or screamers according to RMS)
The likes of Netflix & Spotify. Just as I don't want to rely on internet-only storage, I would also like my media to run on whatever combination of apps, devices, & platforms I have access to, not just some online-only, DRM-laden, snowflake dis-service.
Also, keep in mind the "DRM" word here refers to Digital Restriction Management (R for rights doesn't feel right despite being the default name), not Direct Rendering Manager.
12/4/2023 Update : Yeah... all Android browsers has sucked for too long & couldn't match desktop browsers (not to mention that no effort to catch up with desktop was ever made - we're probably gonna need some consolidation on this front). Moving it straight to the "never used" tier. Old report can be seen below.
What I look for in a browser (alternatively, Luke Smith has a decent article here, which I mostly copied with some disagreeable parts changed):
- Works on the modern web (actually the least important since most mobile browsers work on the modern web... at the very least.)
- Add-on support (or at least include uMatrix-like functionality by default - adblocking alone is not good enough)
For add-on support, let me clarify things a bit - not only must they work in the same manner as they would do on desktop, they must also be installable without having to interact with any servers (Kiwi Browser is the only one to do this).
- Ability to not store history at all without "Incognito" mode (like Pale Moon and/or Firefox in desktop)
- No unsolicited connections by default (so far only Ungoogled Chromium does this)
Some unsolicited connections might be fine as long as all of them can be disabled and preferably are disabled by default. Explicit documentations are nice, but optional.
- Free & open source (paid is probably ok, as long as there are no DRMs and/or paywalled features & it's still open source)
- Can be downloaded from other sources (F-Droid, direct download, Git releases) aside from Play Store & its unofficial "mirrors" (APKPure, APKMirror, etc.)
Depending on how you would read this one, it may also serve as a double-count on my previous point.
- Clean, uncluttered, and neutral user experience by default (aside from integrated uMatrix-like functionality I mentioned previously)
For example, by not saving up a homepage shortcut for a site I recently visited (hatefully glares at every Chromium-based browsers as the only "workaround" for this is to set homepage to about:blank - doesn't work on browsers that don't open homepage on blank new tabs).
- Works with alternative protocols such as Gemini & Gopher (optional, but nice for those who uses them)
Dishonorable mentions (don't use these, seriously) :
- Google Chrome
Also known as the overly popular data collector disguised as a browser with too much bloat & not enough essential features (such as having to rely on arbitrarily selected search engines without being able to add your own preferred engine). Imagine getting a Mi A2 (or generally any devices with Snapdragon 6xx & below) to completely choke to a halt on deleting a history loaded with a week's worth of reading various recipe sites & visiting wiki pages.
- Chromium (Bromite's build is a good example of this)
Chromium to Chrome is what Fennec is to Firefox Android (or NewPipe for YouTube Android).
- Brave Browser
Chromium, but with plenty of shady stuff. Luke Smith used to shill for Brave, for whatever it's worth (though that's until he declared that all browsers suck)
8/5/2023 Update : Late mention, but I would also like to mention that Brave for Android is only available on Play Store (as well as some of its "mirrors", one of which serves only split APKs).
- Bromite
It was once my Chromium browser of choice despite its issues (still no extension support, removed grouped tab, in-browser auto update checking, Go-ogle being default search engine (though you can still add your own search engine with a workaround), and other inherent Chromium issues). However, with the developer being a muh ukrain psyop simp & abandoning his work (though there's Cromite picking up where Bromite left), Bromite is now considered dishonorable.
- Firefox Android (and every other Firefox-based browsers; but some will receive special notes)
Before the Fenix release, Firefox was an OK browser despite not being privacy-friendly out of the box, thanks to its support for essential extensions like uMatrix (though needing Mozilla store) & extensive moddability (including about:config). However, with the Fenix release, uMatrix is no longer compatible with all Firefox Android builds (including the old IceCat) (and several features including about:config removed). Combined with Mozilla's undeniable hypocrisy & concerns on Mozilla's future, there's no way I'd recommend using any Firefox-based browsers.
26/2/2022 Update : Tried out Mull & IceRaven, and hated the Fenix UX. No add-ons can be installed without going through Mozilla's add-on page (meaning the user is subject to Mozilla's artificially limited add-on compatibility, and has to whitelist Mozilla connections), clunky interface that somewhat tries to prevent the user from reaching the settings (especially when the address bar is waiting for an input), and loss of options compared to desktop Firefox (no options to not keep history, for one that applies to all Firefox Android forks AFAIK) are just examples of why I hated the Fenix UX.
17/5/2022 Update : Explaining the 26/2/2022 update in a nutshell: Fenix UX degenerates the experience of using Firefox-based browsers into something that manages to compare itself unfavorably to Chromium's UX.
8/5/2023 Update : Late mention, but I would also like to mention that Firefox Android is only available on Play Store (as well as some of its "mirrors").
- Fennec
Firefox Android, but without a good portion of Mozilla's telemetry & proprietary bits. But still, it's just Firefox Android with a bit less spyware.
- IceCat Android
Once the best Android browser IMO, I once used it extensively as my main browser of choice, until Mozilla released Fenix & made uMatrix (the one mandatory add-on) incompatible with all Firefox releases. At least IceCat Android is dead.
- IceRaven
Firefox Android, with some features such as about:config added back & less telemetry. Unfortunately, it's also less well-maintained than Firefox Android, and still suffers from Firefox Android's flaws (except for the Play Store exclusivity).
- Kiwi Browser
Chrome, but with extension support. Extensions may also be installed using .crx files, which is a major advantage compared to Firefox Android (that does not allow any manual extension installations whatsoever). However, Kiwi has various unwanted connections that cannot be disabled (aside from blacklisting with hosts file).
- Klar / Firefox Focus
Essentially Firefox Android with "private" browsing enabled at all times, & even less features (including removal of add-on support & about:config).
- Mull
DivestOS' take on Firefox Android, with some features upstreamed by Tor uplift project, added preferences from arkenfox-user.js, about:config support, and some proprietary blobs removed. In essence, Fennec with less spyware.
- Pale Moon for Android
Dead & unmaintained. A shame, as this could be the best (assuming all add-ons are supported; especially eMatrix) Android browser (for desktop, I nominate Pale Moon as the best browser I've ever used despite their issues).
- TOR Browser
Firefox Android with TOR integrations. Unfortunately, TOR Project thinks embracing cuckflare is a right thing to do (which isn't, despite various attempts at silencing any & all who'd speak out against cuckflare). Not to mention desktop (at least Windows) TOR Browser resets some settings each time it's opened, making any usage of TOR Browser (regardless of whatever platform it's on) problematic despite its inherent advantage of easy access to the TOR network.
- Ungoogled Chromium
Bromite with some more additions (and even less unsolicited connections), but abandoned thanks to its sole maintainer abandoning it for a job as Brave Browser contributor. Used to have builds with extension support, though dropped in 21/2/2021. The WebView from its own F-Droid repo (which uses build from Droidware) may also clash with repos providing their own Chromium & Webview forks (such as Bromite & Mulch).
Honorable mentions (imperfect, but probably alright to use. Listed from worst to best) :
- Vanadium
Chromium with security enhancements (though it mostly depends on GrapheneOS' inbuilt hardening), made exclusively for GrapheneOS. Not tested outside GrapheneOS as there is no APK to get.
- Mulch
DivestOS' take on Chromium (complete with mobile Chromium's lack of extension support). Used to be exclusive to DivestOS F-Droid repo (; but now also downloadable via one of DivestOS' F-Droid repo mirrors. It cannot add any other search engines except for those that returns a search query in the address by default.
- Privacy Browser by Stoutner
A not so bad browser with inbuilt ability to block either some 3rd-party connections, none of them, or all of them - no in-betweens like uMatrix / eMatrix. Also features a Klar-esque feature where everything (except for bookmarks) is deleted if the app's closed. Uses the system's inbuilt WebView (unlike all Chromium browsers that bundle in their own).
- Cromite (available in either GitHub Releases or its own F-Droid repo :
The second coming of Bromite, from one of its' former contributor. Compared to its predecessor, Cromite's automatic connections seem to be a bit more restrained - limiting itself to auto-updates (only if you enabled it; either through checkbox on 1st open or toggle in Settings > About Cromite > Allow checking for updates) & ad-blocking filters from & (both of which are enabled by default). However, the developer used to dislike extensions (which sucks considering Chromium is too bloated & too featureless at the same time), though looking at the linked issue there's a possibility future Cromite releases might come with extensions support; which sounds nice; but only if uMatrix (and/or its Chromium-targeted forks and/or continuations) fully works without any compromises (I could also mention other extensions like WebRTC Control, URL redirectors, proxy controls, etc.; but uMatrix is the essential one for me).
YouTube client / downloaders
Requires internet access. I can no longer recommend any YouTube clients (regardless of whatever is used to sidestep YouTube's evils) as they rely on Google not randomly breaking things with backend updates. This recent issue on NewPipe ( should explain as a decent example. 12/12/2024 Late Update : Goolag has killed all methods of downloading and/or watching "18+" content on YouTube, further reducing the value of unofficial YouTube clients / downloaders like NewPipe. Seems like Wrongthink's wish partially came true...
With that being said, Lukas has some decent results using the official YouTube client as the browser (he previously used NewPipe but was too disgusted to continue) & YTDLNis as the downloader (albeit with the imprecise SponsorBlock bundled in & requiring some wizardwork to download YouTube's age‐locked content, which I shall not judge you for), so there's that. Not that I would touch either nowadays, but asking a good friend to rip some stuff off YT is still alright I guess...
Below is an old report of NewPipe, which is what used to be the least worst YouTube client & the only one I bothered to even touch.
An open source YouTube front-end that used to be decent, and still has some advantages compared to both official YouTube & YouTube Vanced, such as support for some platforms like Peertube & ability to download videos. However, starting with 0.20.x, it has gone too far to be an alternative to anything.
I no longer use NewPipe, but I will keep this section up for reference of NewPipe's sins.
Advantages compared to other YouTube clients (such as Goolag's official YouTube client & YouTube Vanced):
- Open source
- Can download YouTube videos
This is the only reason I'm using NewPipe right now - I consider NewPipe as a "mobile YouTube media downloader that apparently also plays YouTube videos".
- No Goolag account required whatsoever
- Has its own F-Droid repository, allowing NewPipe to receive updates via F-Droid clients without its official repo's general delays.
- Support for various platforms such as Peertube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud. While it's cool that NewPipe supports them, chances of it mattering isn't that high as users are likely to stick to YouTube (which is there on 1st open).
In addition, NewPipe's support for such platforms may also hurt the ability to use native version of supported platforms, such as Bandcamp.
Flaws I can see:
- The inherent flaw of being an alternative client - it has to keep up with upstream, especially if it introduces breaking changes; and NewPipe's inconsistent release schedule severely hurts it, especially when it couldn't do what it was supposed to do, as seen in issue #8502 ( and/or any similar issues.
- Cannot be configured to connect to invidious instances instead of YouTube (not that it would help against upstream YouTube throttling, but still).
6/7/2022 Update : Support for Invidious is being worked on. Better late than never, though for NewPipe it's a bit too late.
- Starting with version 0.20.0, Newpipe went from being a decent YouTube client to a shitty one. Here are my problems :
- Correct Video Orientation feature (unified player BS) (redacted by 24/7/2021 update, seen below)
1 tap to play & unlock fullscreen, 1 tap to switch to landscape (if watching landscape video & Autoplay is disabled) & be stuck there if you started on portrait mode (& vice versa), & 1 tap to finally go to fullscreen. As someone who don't enable auto rotate unless it's absolutely necessary (I don't see Newpipe as an app that needs auto-rotation), this sucks.
For some smaller devices (such as Xperia XZ1 set to 432 dp), at least it's a 1 tap straight to landscape fullscreen & 1 tap back to portrait, which should be the default for all. Unfortunately, the tap back to portrait refers to tapping the back button on the navbar, but at least it's back to portrait.
24/7/2021 Update : Newpipe 0.21.6 added a toggle to disable forced tablet mode in Settings > Appearance > Tablet mode. Sure, it's opt-out (since it's not enabled by default) & it only works if the back / minimize video button is pressed, but at least it's there.
- Back in version 19.8, the progress bar were easier to tap. Now, it's annoyingly harder (and also easier if accidentally done) for no reason whatsoever.
- Autoplay enabled by default when using Wi-Fi connection. It can be disabled in Settings > Video and audio > Autoplay.
- The unified player feature ensures that the video keeps on playing even when I exit NewPipe, albeit on the background. It stops when I close Newpipe, but the notification stays for a bit.
- Confrontational contributors that may act like they're the developer. An example can be found here (
Is it just me, or does this avently guy seem like someone who enters a project & (forcefully) "contributes" a change that nobody aside from avently perself even wants (and prevents this "contribution" from ever getting removed / made optional)?
- Newpipe will give YouTube their user's IP, after being "somewhat anonymized". 10/4/2021 Update : Linking the Privacy Policy.
- Auto-update check enabled by default, can be disabled in Settings > Updates.
- NewPipe's development team is a bunch of tyrants who will happily censor stuff they do not like. Examples listed below.
- Rejecting BitChute as a "hateful right-wing platform". (
- Completely locking down a discussion about supporting Rutube ( as soon as someone speaks of political reasoning against it, while ignoring counter-claims regarding YouTube politics (and hiding various comments off non-logged in users)
- While there might be more examples hiding in plain sight, I am not going to search for it any further, as I don't want to throw NewPipe any more attention than DigDeeper would throw any positive affection at Mozilla. Speaking of Mozilla, anyone could probably think NewPipe is the Mozilla Firefox of Android's YouTube clients if YouTube's official client is treated as Google Chrome... except the "Mozilla Firefox" here doesn't seem to be hidden Go-ogle actors (but probably misguided enthusiasts at best). But then again, those issues could be avoided by leaving support for every other platforms to others & solely focusing on being an alternative YouTube client & keeping the app working (but then once you put politics in the limelight this point will always be on the backburner).
All Newpipe links (other than the issues) removed, I can't recommend this app as a YouTube client alternative anymore (or any YouTube client for that matter). Besides, even if I could recommend Newpipe again (as either a YouTube OR PeerTube client), I still wouldn't since it's still relying on the big G (unless support for YouTube is removed and NewPipe becomes a PeerTube client for Android - although it requires completely changing NewPipe's public image).
App icon apps
Never cared for custom app icons (except SMT's (and Fossify by extension) app icons, though at most I set them to black & never touch the colors settings again).
Apps that I'm still conflicted about
App Store
These require internet access to work.
Dishonorable mentions :
- Google Play Store : It's so bad I have to list this one out here.
- Goolag account is demanded to even view the store when using the app.
- There's no way to save APK files for any purpose.
- App availability limitations - Fate/GO USA, as an example, is only available in US, Singapore, Canada, Australia, & UK. You can't get them from the Play Store if you're living anywhere else. However, the game works even in other countries where it's not supposed to be released, such as Indonesia.
- May not work if it's not a system app without a compatibility layer
- Automatic updates enabled by default. The only auto update you can disable is for the apps that aren't Play Store & Play Services.
- Unneccesary permissions such as location, SMS, & telephone access. Why would an app store need any of those?
- Random & unexplainable takedowns
Simple Keyboard (rkkr) ( is one example. The developer's Play Developer account was terminated without any warning whatsoever (aside from some violation emails from at least 3 years ago). Though, Goolag undid the ban after it was exposed by some "tech enthusiast religion" priests.
- Allows known criminals such as NXTeam (EggNS) & Damon (DamonPS2, DamonSwitch) to remain, all while legitimate apps (like the above mentioned Simple Keyboard (rkkr)) get randomly taken down. And failing at ensuring quality & reliability of apps there, to the point one can easily put Play Store down as a malware distributor.
- Also forgot - getting a Goolag account (and/or logging in to one) requires a phone number. Good luck finding an online SMS receiver that doesn't get stopped by Goolag if you don't have a SIM card.
- Abhors detailed reviews, as evident by its arbitrary 500 characters limitation.
- Questionable search engine - sometimes it shows what the user is searching for, sometimes it hides the intended result behind advertisements of unrelated & unwanted stuff.
- There are more issues than these, but the things I'm listing might be just a dust in a dusty room's corner.
- Amazon App Store : I have nothing good to say to the unethical monopolist whose name caused the rainforest ' tribe with a similar name to hardly pop up on search engines unless directly searched. And since I do not live within its reach I can comfortably skip this one & lose nothing.
- Aurora Store : An open source front-end to the Play Store. While I like its added features (no mandatory Goolag account required (check 30/5/2023 update below; this point is invalid now) & ability to save split APKs in addition to regular APKs), I don't like the fact that it relies on the Play Store API not changing & fucking it up. Moreover, the ability to save APKs requires internet access, forcing the user to be online to get their APKs (in comparison, SD Maid is only good for saving non-split APKs, but needs root access instead of the arbitrary internet). In addition, Aurora apps are a one-dev show & with the developer busy on real-life stuff (and not maintaining his apps & servers), any guarantees that Aurora Store will work again after Google updates Play Store in a way that breaks Aurora Store functionality is questionable at best (13/4/2023 Update : A CalyxOS contributor became Aurora's co-maintainer, which should fix the one-dev show issue).
In addition, any usage of Aurora Store (or any unofficial Play Store clients) using an actual Google account violates Google's terms of service, which may lead to the account getting disabled (though so far no cases of accounts being disabled thanks to Yalp / Aurora were heard at the moment of writing (20/11/2023)).
30/5/2023 Update : Aurora Store anonymous account is taken down, making this app completely useless without a Goolag account (which demands phone number for logging in). Enjoy your dysfunctional app store. 17/6/2023 late Update : It's back on, for what it's worth.
- F-Droid
Before I start with F-Droid's issues, let me list some advantages it has :
- F-Droid is open source.
- F-Droid supports additional repositories in addition to its own. Speaking of repositories, the F-Droid app is the only one (AFAIK) to support delta repo (where only the obsolete entries get updated).
A good example is Cromite, NewPipe, Ungoogled Chromium, & DivestOS. They are supported, but they have to be entered as neither of them are included by default. (some F-Droid clients include these repositories by default)
- In the likely case anyone doesn't like F-Droid's interface (and/or the lack of additional repositories), they can use other clients, such as M-Droid, Aurora Droid, Neo Store, or Droid-ify. Alas, the rest of those clients doesn't support F-Droid's delta repository, so you'll be waiting longer for repo updates.
And, here are (some of) the issues it has :
- Thanks to different signatures, any apps installed from the F-Droid repo (or other repositories from other users) cannot be updated with the ones released by the developer (and vice versa) without a re-install.
- F-Droid builds arrive later than their developer-released counterparts, as they need to recognize any changes, build the APK, sign it, & release it to the repository. This is a general flaw of F-Droid builds.
Some apps (such as NewPipe) somewhat sidesteps this issue (and the 1st issue) by having its own F-Droid repo, allowing you to bypass F-Droid builds as long as you stick to that particular repo's builds (or GitHub Releases APKs in case of NewPipe).
- Without a privileged extension (which has to be inbuilt AFAIK), F-Droid will not work as seamlessly as Play Store, requiring manual input for installations. Not a major issue for me who's used to directly instaling APKs, but still an issue nonetheless.
- Slow repository synchronization, without any way of seeing its progress. In fact, this is why I don't use the official F-Droid client.
- F-Droid's maintainers being censorship-happy, examples listed below.
- More issues on F-Droid security by Wonderfall (, now handed over to While I don't like the Play Store recommendation ( and is cuckflared too - nice red flags!), at the very least the author mentioned some of its privacy issues.
Honorable mentions (not so bad, but still problematic) :
- Neo Store
A F-Droid client I've recently used. More inbuilt repositories (F-Droid & IzzyOnDroid enabled by default), different UI, faster repo syncing (which also allows you to see its progress), and may also use root access for seamless app installations. Once known as Droid-ify (actually its fork as the original developer took a break at that time, then the original Droid-ify returned with Release 0.4.4 in 5/7/2022), it has been renamed to Neo Store since 7/7/2022 with Release 0.9.0. 31/5/2024 Update : Haven't tested the latest Point release yet (hey, the Neo Collective is still alive), but still no support for delta repo yet.
- Droid-ify : Yet another F-Droid client I've used. Neo Store, but with more updates & simpler interface. Doesn't support delta repo format yet (with the issue remaining open for over 1 year & labeled as "help wanted"), so I eventually dropped this from my system (not that I'd want to use app stores in the first place, but if I would I'd rather be done with them ASAP).
- Accrescent : A private & secure Android app store built with modern features in mind, including first-class support for split APKs. Haven't fully tried them out though, so it'll have to stay here even if I'd rather not even touch any app stores whenever possible.
- Obtainium : When the app store allows you to set where you get your apps one by one & fetches them all using one application. Nice concept, except I can't bother myself enough to use it, at least for now.
Currently, I'm stuck on prebuilt WebView. Here's some additional WebView apps that I used to use.
- Mulch : Replaced Bromite until it got its own package ID. Also discontinued alongside DivestOS.
- Bromite : Similar reason to Mulch. Also no longer maintained after csagan5 stopped all activity.
- Google WebView + Trichrome (via NikGapps GoogleChrome zip) : The closest thing I'd have to an up to date WebView implementation, except updating them requires downloading some apks from APKMirror... or the Goolag Play Store.
- Cromite : Uses package name (at the moment of writing ‐ 6/3/2025), so this is probably a decent alternative WebView... as long as it is being consistently & constantly provided and you do not mind nuking stock WebView & its /oat files.
Other apps I might use, no longer use, or worth their own note
Might use if I wanted to :
- Email client : FairEmail, if I ever bother settling in an Android device & setting up shop there. K9 Mail had been taken over by Mozilla (
- XMPP : Probably Conversations, as it's essentially the only choice I've heard about (Profanity can be used in Android through Termux, though I'm not exactly sure about using terminal-only apps for a GUI-heavy platform like Android). However, the aforementioned Conversations does not compare well to most desktop XMPP clients.
- Prebuilt dialer : Pretty much useless without a SIM card, which I no longer have. Maybe useful to launch some hidden diagnostics. I would have used Simple (or Fossify) Dialer as my dialer, but I might as well use prebuilt dialer without internet access (I might miss out on anti-spamcalls but then again I only pick calls when it's my contacts so...).
- Prebuilt contacts : Because it just works for contacts. Sure, it's not as customizable as Simple (or Fossify) Contacts, but at least I don't have to be bothered to deal with an additional app.
- QKSMS : A drop-in replacement for stock AOSP messaging app. I don't use SMS at all for communications (nor will I give out my phone number, if I ever have any to not dispose of), but this would be what I use for SMS. Features its own blocking manager, which can be useful for SMS-based text ads. Unfortunately, there's no way to block class 0 SMS spam aside from not having a SIM card in the device in the first place.
- BatteryBot Pro : A battery monitoring tool. Accubattery might be a more mature alternative in terms of user interface, but it's closed source, Play Store exclusive (of course there are unofficial "mirrors" like APKMirror & APKPure, but we don't really talk about that), & locks some features (particularly the dark themes) behind a Play Store exclusive paywall within the app.
No longer used :
- AppOps : Rikka AppOps. Haven't used this one since v4.0.0 (which exclusively uses Shizuku API / Sui). Not that it mattered at this point, since ≥A10 kind of fused appops & permission.
- SystemUI Tuner by zacharee : An app for modifying hidden settings on Android; requires ADB / root to enable its permissions. I'd have kept this around for permanent arbitrary volume alert removal, but since it doesn't reliably work for me where it matters (crDroid & LineageOS - I had to reboot to "apply" the setting & the volume alert eventually re-appeared) it's pointless for me. In addition, this also exposes several settings I don't want to touch at all, so there's that as well.
Worth noting :
- Split APK Installer : An installer for split APKs, which has became more common, especially with Goolag's increasing demands for every newly released apps. No longer maintained, but still works as intended, so I'm still using it for certain Play Store games who made the dumb decision of providing only split APKs.
- Survival Manual : A survival guidebook compiled into an Android app. Particularly useful for outdoor / off-grid / survival situations as long as you can keep your device alive, assuming this app is your primary & only access to a survival manual.
- Kiwix : An offline reader for zim files. Unfortunately creating a zim file for the pages I like to read is pretty complex (at least for GUI users), to the degree that I consider zim an essentially proprietary (despite being open source) file format simply because it only works with Kiwix. Nevertheless, I am not going to use it for now & the foreseeable future.
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