Custom ROM List
Last update : 28/12/2024 (RIP DivestOS)
Previously, I made a custom ROM list. It worked questionably fine (looks fine for me back when I was not focusing on privacy), until A10 dropped & devs started cooking up A10 builds. That, in turn, also rendered my previous list useless as it caters only to Pie users; and gave me reason to remake the list. For those who'd like to see the mess, here's that link.
Yes, it's still nutshelled, and still invalid for those who build / compile their own ROMs.
I have also made the baseline rules for this list, which can be seen here. I also have a blogpost that explains some added "JavaScript has to be enabled" stuff.
The purpose of this list
This list is meant to document the ROMs that I've used. It's never meant to tell anyone which ROM is best, let alone to disrespect the developers & maintainers of custom ROMs.
ROMs with Vanilla-only releases (no GApps / microG whatsoever).
The power user's custom ROM, complete with an overwhelming amount of options (whether it's for network connections (including an enabled-by-default toggle for LineageOS' per-app data restriction & captive portal options) or the power saving stuff it has always been known for). Used to be based off AICP (with all of its issues intact), but rebased to crDroid (minus its unclear Vanilla/GApps enforcement) in A13 & dropped its security-compromising footguns for some dumb Pixel spoofing bullshit that can be disabled. An improvement over the old AICP base, but then again A13, so I still won't be using it (though at least it's no longer dis-recommended).
- Per-app data restriction (with a toggle to enable / disable in Settings > BaikalOS Settings > Miscellaneous)
- Inbuilt applock (A13 - Settings > Security > App lock)
- MicroG support? (Settings > BaikalOS Settings > Optional Services)
- Monet customizations (Settings > BaikalOS Settings > User Interface > Monet settings)
- One dev show AFAIK
- No sensors permission
- Hidden crDroid telemetry (had to be searched in Settings in order to disable)
Debatable notes:
- Graphical options for captive portal connections, though limited to Apple, default Go-ogle, & Yandex (Settings > BaikalOS Settings > Miscellaneous)
Graphene OS
An AOSP ROM focused on security, with some added privacy & an unfortunate lack of UX tuning.
Disclaimer : Report of the ROM are obsolete as I last tested GrapheneOS somewhere before October 2022. Therefore, all analysis results for the ROM is kept at the bottom portion of the list.
- Active focus on security, with some added privacy
- Documents connections made by the ROM
- Not a spare-time project
Whereas most custom ROMs are done in the developers' spare time, GrapheneOS is done full-time. This is an assurance of quality - unlike most custom ROMs where a maintainer and/or developer could drop support at any time (life, latest Android, incompetence, etc.), GrapheneOS support for your device will last for as long as scheduled. Unfortunately, this also means if you have the wrong device (such as Pixel 2 in October 2020 for GrapheneOS, as it starts to lose support), you're going to be stuck in an old & unsupported build; losing out on security patches & eventually app compatibility.
- Inbuilt GmsCompat (Google Play components can be downloaded from inbuilt app store)
- Network & sensors permission
- LineageOS-esque setup wizard
- Secure app spawning
- Full Android Verified Boot support (bootloader relocking is possible for supported devices - all of them in GrapheneOS' case)
- Doesn't support any devices other than Google's Pixel series (for now), and older Pixel devices without upstream Google support will have their security patch dates frozen to the last month of it receiving Google's support as long as GrapheneOS supports it.
- Instead of supporting older devices, users are expected to buy a new device to run GrapheneOS. While it's clear that broad device support is not their long term target, it also alienates users who can't afford to switch to the latest supported device and/or stuck (or choose to stick with) with an old and/or unsupported device.
- No inbuilt applock
- No navbar button layout customization
If using the 3-button navbar, it'll be stuck at (from left to right) Back > Home > Recents, with no way to change it from the default settings.
- No monet customizations (A12L) except a toggle to disable monet theming
The spiritual successor of CyanogenMod, without all of the business cruft that brought Cyanogen down; and the most well-known custom ROM. Decent for starting out and/or not using any form of GApps... at least back when A11/A12L were not discontinued. While it'll remain functional for future Android builds, the underlying AOSP stuff has sucked for too long that all custom ROMs (LineageOS included) suffers from it.
- Per-app data restriction
- Consistent lack of GApps (for official builds)
- No "advanced" settings that users will touch only once & ignore afterwards
- Poco F1 (all) : FBE encryption on 1st boot
- Setup Wizard with no internet demands (general advantage (or disadvantage if you think setup wizards are a waste of time) commonly found in Lineage-based ROMs)
- No inbuilt applock
- Inbuilt telemetry (Settings > Security & location (Pie) / Privacy (≥A10) > Trust > LineageOS statistics) (can be disabled in setup wizard)
- No monet customizations
- No sensors permission
- No microG support (apparently they added support for microG but it didn't really work out for me when I checked it out on my OP3T)
- Arbitrary volume limiter
- userdebug build
- Signed the open letter against Stallman
- Official Site
While the site works without JavaScript, it'll prompt you to enable JavaScript on the top section. Also, (and download & wiki by extension) is cuckflared.
- Download
For "proper" functionality, JS & XHR needs to be enabled for Solid upgrade over the previous version which required JS & CSS for (which is now absent) just to fix a messed up download page.
- Unofficial archives for older builds (JS & XHR required for
- Wiki
You can read the Wiki without JavaScript, though some functionalities won't work without JavaScript for &
- GitHub Repo
- GitLab Repo
Availability: Pie, A10, A11[18.1], A12L[19.1] (discontinued); A13[20], A14[21] (Weekly, but tagged as Nightly)
Vanilla/GApps (non-Limbo)
ROMs that release both Vanilla & GApps builds, yet are consistent enough on doing so that it avoids the Limbo category.
Jaguar ROM
Bloated analysis located in this blogpost.
A custom ROM allegedly focused on privacy & security (though its numerous XDA threads only advertises its security focus). Sounds alright, if it wasn't closed source & doesn't follow CalyxOS' definition of privacy & security (in addition to not documenting default connections unlike Calyx). In addition, it's mostly available only on either Google Drive or, which is also quite the red flag for privacy-focused custom ROMs (not sure on but you know how ironic it is for a "privacy-focused" ROM to be uploaded on a notoriously anti-privacy platform like Go-ogle).
- Per-app data restriction (A11)
- Inbuilt applock (A11)
- Signature spoofing (A11 - toggle in Settings > Privacy > MicroG support)
- Bootloader relocking is possible (OnePlus 6(T), 8("Pro"/T), 9("Pro")), but requires files from the developer.
- Enforced Vanilla/GApps distribution (probably made easier as it's a one dev show supporting a bunch of pre-Oppo-ification OnePlus phones)
- Closed source ROM, unlike basically everyone else. Device tree & kernel source code is available on GitHub, though.
- Doesn't document default connections despite being allegedly focused on privacy & security, and actually connects to Google servers by default like most non-privacy ROMs
I've personally & unofficially documented Jaguar ROM's default connections.
- Inbuilt Magisk (OnePlus 8("Pro"/T), 9("Pro"))
- One dev show
Availability : A11 (we could have linked to optimumpro/SecureOS page, but per deletes older builds)
ROMs with inbuilt microG by default, with no Vanilla builds whatsoever (unless you manually delete microG).
/e/OS, but closer to AOSP (replacing that iOS-esque launcher with a forked NeoLauncher) & only provides GSI builds. Apparently the name means "leaving /e/OS".
- Offers several captive portal providers (Kuketz (default), openSUSE, Ubuntu, GrapheneOS)
- Signature spoofing limited to inbuilt microG
Inbuilt microG in LeOS are apparently butchered, since it adds in "not in LeOS!" on some Google services options.
- For a "degoogled" ROM (where the ROM does not send unwanted data to Google), LeOS does not document any default connection whatsoever.
- No theme customizations
Monet is not implemented, replaced with pastel blue instead of /e/'s light blue & light green. In addition, the pure black theme toggle in Settings > Display > Dark theme does not work at all (dark theme remains gray).
LineageOS microG
LineageOS with inbuilt microG & F-Droid. Mostly retains every advantages & disadvantages LineageOS had.
- Inbuilt microG, with signature spoofing permission exclusively granted to it
Signature spoofing is not user-controllable, so once the inbuilt microG is deleted signature spoofing is out as well. In my opinion, this is the best approach for signature spoofing.
- Inconsistent release schedule
Back when they're still supporting Android Pie, updates are consistently released every week. Now, it's not consistent - Lineage-microG cannot be relied on to reliably release even monthly builds, when they themselves couldn't reliably keep their own promise for providing updates twice a month.
- No reliable archives
Availability: A10, A11, A12L(discontinued); A13, A14 (Inconsistent, monthly?)
ROMs that release both Vanilla & microG builds.
Calyx OS
A ROM allegedly focused on privacy (at least from the big corpos), with a bit of added security from adding AVB support. Calyx OS is considered Vanilla/microG as users could set this ROM to run as either Vanilla / microG on first run with its setup wizard.
- (alleged) Active focus on privacy from the big corpos (with various privacy-friendly (and "friendly" ones like Signal & DuckDuckGo) apps that can be optionally installed via setup wizard)
The active focus on privacy can be actively doubted as Calyx does not alter (or give any options to do so, unlike GrapheneOS & DivestOS; though at least Calyx doesn't ignore any default network connection changes unlike /e/) any default network connections made by the OS.
- Documents connections made by the ROM (link is above this point)
- Full Android Verified Boot support for official builds (bootloader relocking is possible here)
- Planned support for non-Pixel devices with AVB support
OnePlus 8T & 9("Pro") was supported until November 2022, when it was last mentioned by CalyxOS (ever since then CalyxOS has been quiet about not supporting it). Meanwhile, they have support for SHIFT6mq (in beta) & Fairphone 4.
- microG support (enabled via setup wizard)
Signature spoofing support is limited to inbuilt microG.
- LineageOS-esque setup wizard
- Per-app data restriction (& Datura "Firewall", which is just a quick UI for the per-app data restriction)
- No navbar button layout customization (redacted starting with A12L)
If using the 3-button navbar, it'll be stuck at (from left to right) Back > Home > Recents, with no way to change it from the default settings.
- No inbuilt applock
- No monet customizations (A12, A12L)
- No sensors permission
- Signed the open letter against Stallman
Links removed (except for references); I don't recommend ROMs that claim to be privacy-focused but actually throws their users to various honeypots and/or not even allow the users replace the default connections with privacy-friendly alternatives without using unsupported methods (admittedly that's slightly better than /e/, which ignores all changes altogether); CalyxOS has done both.
Availability: A11, A12, A12L (discontinued); A13
Lineage-microG, but microG & most pre-installed apps can be un-installed (and re-installed, assuming iodé app & the pre-installed app is not deleted) in a similar way to some prebuilt bloatware found in stock ROMs. iodeOS is treated as Vanilla/microG since microG can be removed at will. Also claims to be "google-free Android", but...(to be continued in the disadvantages' 1st point)
- Inbuilt microG (signature spoofing permission not exclusively granted for microG, meaning other apps with that permission may also use them).
- Full Android Verified Boot support for official builds (bootloader relocking is possible for supported devices such as Pixels & Fairphone 4)
- Inbuilt network monitor (iodé app serves as one) - works by intercepting connections in the app
A neat addition other ROMs don't have. However, it would be even better if the iodé app is just a network monitor (at best, network monitor / firewall combo) instead of a combination of network monitor, firewall, adblocker, and network mapper (more points if it can also be installed as an external network monitor, but then again I can only hope it can bypass Goolag's limitations). 3/7/2023 Update : The iodé app locks most features behind a premium subscription ( Anyone running builds before the 29/6/2023 builds are not affected.
- For a privacy-focused ROM, iodéOS does not document any of its default connections other than the changes it made, which can only be seen in the GitLab readme. At the very least there's something compared to another allegedly "privacy-focused" ROM called LMODroid; but still.
On first connection to internet, iodéOS connects to (intent filter verification services); (;,, & (webview); all of which definitely contradicts iodeOS' claims of "Google-free Android". As for iodé's apps, iodé tries to connect to (a/b/c) as it boots for the first time to download map data for network mapping (ok to know at best, useless bloat at worst); and news & updater connects to At least captive portal actually connects to Kuketz' server, as promised by iodéOS.
- Used to be closed source. Quite the red flag for custom ROMs.
Another red flag not really related to the ROM : iodéOS' site runs something like 40 1st-party scripts. I mean, a team of "experts" in cybersecurity & design? Look at GrapheneOS - their site didn't need any scripts (maybe except for their WebUSB-based installer, though honestly I haven't used it). 3/8/2024 Update : After some hosting switches, iodéOS' site mostly runs without JS, though some assets require JS (at least 11 1st-party) to display.
- Includes Aurora Store & Magic Earth (the former is a condom for Go-ogle Play Store, latter is a questionable map app /e/ also includes). At least they can be "uninstalled". A red flag for their narrative of "privacy-respecting apps".
- Option for "uninstalling" (actually disabling & hiding the app) & "reinstalling" (re-enabling & un-hiding) prebuilt apps, executed on reboot; as long as iodé app & the pre-installed app's directories (for example, /product/app/Gallery2 for Gallery app) are present. To me, this is frivolous & useless, especially since I change the prebuilt apps to my desired options & do not need to "uninstall" them anymore; so I moved this point to disadvantages.
Limbo ROM
Limbo ROMs are ROMs with conflicting release policies on Vanilla/GApps; releasing some builds as Vanilla-only while leaving others as Vanilla/GApps and/or GApps-only.
My stance on these ROMs : If you really want to use this, I always recommend flashing the Vanilla variant. If there's no Vanilla build for your device, don't flash it, unless you could remove the prebuilt GApps without having issues.
Disclaimer : crDroid is the only "good" Limbo ROM at the moment. I don't test any other Limbo ROMs other than crDroid.
Simply said, a LineageOS-based Pixel ROM that masquerades as a Limbo since A10. Initial A10 build for 6z did not include GApps, but included it since 12.4 & made it the default option.
Vanilla/GApps offending list (obsolete, but I won't update this as I wanted to stay away from BlissRoms):
- surya (Poco X3(N)), I01WD, obiwan, I001D, Z01R, sunfish, redfin, coral, sargo, bonito, fajita, guacamole, kebab, onclte, laurel_sprout, raphael - GApps-only
- lavender, miatoll, pyxis, santoni - Vanilla-only
- whyred, enchilada, apollo, violet, RMX1801, RMX1971, RMX1921, mojito, hotdogb - Vanilla/GApps
- OnePlus 3(T) - Vanilla/GApps/FOSS/GoGApps up to September 2021 builds > Vanilla/GApps 9/10/2021 builds
- channel - GApps-only April 2021 builds; Vanilla-only builds afterwards
- juice - GApps-only until 28/8/2021; 23/9/2021 Vanilla w/ 24/9/2021 GApps
- starlte, star2lte, crownlte - Vanilla-only up to 13/8/2021; 13/9/2021 Vanilla w/ 14/9/2021 GApps
- beryllium (Poco F1) - Vanilla/GApps up to July 2021 builds; 4/10/2021 GApps-only build
21/12/2022 Update : Drifted into its site (hopefully for the LAST time), found BlissRoms' quote : The customization you want, with the privacy you need. The latter's bullshit, since BlissRoms mostly releases GApps-only builds (there are Vanilla builds, though considering how BlissRoms love their GApps-only shit it doesn't matter) & does not document any connections whatsoever. Avoid BlissRoms like the plague.
Corvus OS
A featurefest ROM based off the once well-known Dirty Unicorns, displaying similar Vanilla/GApps behaviour as Cygnus.
Vanilla/Gapps offending list :
- Poco X3(N) : 18-29/12/2020 Vanilla-only > 1/1/2021 Goolag-only > 14/1/2021 Vanilla / Goolag (until last A11) > Gapps-only 9/4/2022 build (attempt on downloading Vanilla build of that time returned a "no file" error)
- OnePlus 6(T) (enchilada / fajita), juice : Goolag-only
- Poco F1 : Goolag-only up to 27/5/2020 A10; afterwards Vanilla / Goolag > GApps-only A13 29/11/2022 build (with new maintainer)
LineageOS-based custom ROM designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device while also attempting to bring many of the best features existing today, according to their intro & how I think its grammar should be.
Personal remarks: A decent heavyweight ROM (and the least worst Limbo ROM as well), burdened with a soydev website (and somewhat permissive & annoying BlockAdBlock) & lack of Vanilla/GApps enforcement in a way similar to Bootleggers - no Vanilla/GApps branding. The only thing keeping crDroid off my dis-recommendation is the fact that it still offers the least worst AOSP experience at the moment.
- Per-app data restriction (Pie, A10, A11, A12L, A13)
- Signature spoofing (A10, A11, A12L: no toggle; A13 has toggle in Settings > crDroid Settings > Miscellaneous > Google services)
If the toggle in A13 is disabled, microG will be automatically uninstalled as soon as it's installed.
- Inbuilt applock (A11, A13)
- Monet customizations (Settings > crDroid Settings > User Interface > Monet settings)
- LineageOS-based setup wizard
- Poco F1 (A12L) : FBE-based force encryption
- Inbuilt telemetry (Settings > Privacy (A12L) > Trust > crDroid statistics)
- Inbuilt PixelPropsUtils (≥A11) & Netflix spoofing (≥A13)
- No inbuilt applock (A12L)
- No sensors permission
- Inbuilt KernelSU since A14 for most devices
So far, I've seen this in beryllium, surya, vayu, & some OnePlus devices (I've heard enchilada (OP6) & fajita not having inbuilt KernelSU but I'd rather not repartition my OP6).
- Arbitrary volume limiter
- No Vanilla/GApps enforcement, in addition to lack of Vanilla/GApps labeling
Current list of GApps-infested builds :
- Poco F4 (munch), Poco F5 (marble) - GApps-only A13 & A14
- Official Site
The site is cuckflared. For full site functionality, JS required for 1st-party, with XHR for changelogs.
8/8/2022 Update : The site now has BlockAdBlock. However, at the moment of writing, it seems permissive enough (but annoying because it pops up randomly), as waiting for 5 seconds & pressing the "okay, I'll whitelist" button lets the user interact with the site.
- GitHub Repo
- Sourceforge
Downloads via redirects to SourceForge, with arbitrarily added countdown if JS & XHR (which is also required for some links & the changelogs) is enabled in addition to blocking every 3rd-party connections.
Availability: Pie, A10, A11, A12, A12L, A13(discontinued); A14
Nusantara Project
A Dirty Unicorn-based ROM built by Indonesians proud of their Indonesian background. This is the 1st Limbo ROM to ever provide microG / Vanilla / Goolag builds. This sounds great on paper, but keep in mind that since it isn't enforced, this puts them in the Limbo category.
List proving the lack of enforcement (for the (likely to be) constant ones that is - the rest are either abandoned, not noticed, or otherwise chaotically switching between Vanilla, GApps, or Vanilla/GApps) :
- onclite, RMX1851, ulysse(LTS), platina, rolex, zenlte(LTS), riva, ginkgo(A11), lavender - Vanilla-only
- enchilada, phoenix, vayu (Poco X3P) - GApps-only
- sagit, sweet, whyred, apollo, raphael, RMX2001, lmi, tissot, surya (Poco X3(N)), lava, ginkgo(LTS), lavender(LTS) - Vanilla/GApps
- beryllium (Poco F1) - Vanilla/GApps/microG
Project Xperience
A not-so-promising CAF ROM, its biggest (depending on your opinion of custom kernels) redeeming factor is that it's made by Yuki Kernel's developer, which may guarantee a good performance out of your device at the cost of severe feature losses (mostly atributed to the ROM tho). However, just because the ROM is made by a person recognized for per's work on per's kernel doesn't make it any better if perse were completely random on making Vanilla/GApps builds.
Vanilla/GApps offending list example :
- vayu (Poco X3P) - GApps-only starting with 21/6/2021 build
- lavender (17/4/2021 build) - GApps-only
- surya (Poco X3N) - GApps-only until 15/3/2021 build, Vanilla-only A11 afterwards > GApps-only A12 w/ maintainer change
Spice OS
Formerly named MalluOS, this started out as a Lineage fork, then took a terrible turn by making all A11 releases GApps-only. In A12L, the project has shifted to a Vanilla-only release. With A13, Miatoll seems suspicious for now (GApps-only?), mojito switched to Vanilla-only from GApps-only in 21/9/2022, & sweet seems to be Vanilla-only.
Advantages (A12L):
- Monet customizations (Settings > The Brewery > Customisation > Monet engine)
No true black theme from dark theme, but it can be manually set in monet engine customizations by setting lightness to 0.
- Signature spoofing (no toggle)
Disadvantages (A12L):
- No per-app data restriction / network & sensors permission
- No inbuilt applock
ROMs with inbuilt GApps by default, without any Vanilla builds (which otherwise makes them a Limbo). Avoid them like the plague, unless you're too dependent on Goolag, in which case you should just stay on stock & also be spied by Facebook & a myriad of other corpos as well. There will be no testing for these ROMs, as I refuse to recommend them.
Basically Pixel Experience Plus with more features. Has a history loaded with weird issues ( for link 1) ( for link 2). Not sure about whether the people there have improved out of these issues, but still. Not a ROM I would recommend, even if I recommend GApps-infested custom ROMs.
Basically Pixel Experience for Nexus & Pixel devices, which is redundant considering the stock ROM for Google devices. Maybe there's some added features, but since it's a Pixel ROM who cares.
Paranoid Android
One of the OG custom ROMs, using CAF as their base. Starting with A10, they decided to flood all of their official builds with GApps.
A Pixel ROM with "pro-grade" UI changes on top of Android. So, conceptually kinda like OxygenOS, but not a port from other cellphones. Also known for soliciting donations for better downloads, attacking anyone mirroring official builds, and including an useless scamdemic tracker.
A GApps-only ROM aiming to be minimal while attempting to provide quality of life improvements & security patches. So far, they did fulfill their aim for minimal... perhaps a bit too much:
- No per-app data restriction
- No invert navbar
- No monet customizations, let alone black theme
Welp, I guess to Hell with it. Install some quality custom ROM & never look back.
Awaken OS
Awaken OS is one of those new ROMs that debuted with A11, aiming for a good user experience. Unfortunately for them, their lack of Vanilla/GApps enforcement has destroyed that claim, at least back in A11. Rechecked them for A14 (but didn't even test them out), only to discover they've dropped all pretense of being wishywashy on Vanilla/GApps, now fully embracing the GApps-only side. Good for them I suppose...
Other untested ROMs
These are the ROMs I haven't tested, but heard about. I might try them out if (and ONLY IF) I get a supported device. Below is a list of such ROMs.
Retesting required
These are the ROMs I once tested, but will need to re-test as I cannot test their current versions.
A custom ROM with "just a bit of everything" (except for per-app data restriction, which got added only in A11), according to their site. Currently still serving up A10/A11, with no sight of A12 & beyond (and/or any official builds for my devices).
Yet another "ye olde custom ROM" since the days of CyanogenMod, created in reaction to its commercialisation. When I last encountered it in 2020, it lacked features I've grown used to, such as per-app data restriction (or network & sensors permission), applock, & navbar button customizations.
Stag OS
An AOSP fork with a nice motto - "sic parvis magna"; which is Latin for something along the lines of "great endings from small beginnings" (taken from a game called Uncharted).
Advantages (A12L):
- Signature spoofing (no toggle)
- Enforced Vanilla/GApps distribution (since there's no sign of the opposite)
- Monet customizations (Settings > Themes)
Disadvantages (A12L):
- No per-app data restriction / network & sensor permission
- No inbuilt applock
- Poco F1 (A12L) : No force encryption & system-ext support
- Poco F1 (A13) : Does not boot without flashing an encryption disabler with the ROM
Availability: A11, A12, A12L (discontinued); A13
Another AOSP ROM with "minimal" features to fulfill user demands.
Yet another AOSP/CAF ROM made to enhance the stock Android experience.
Basically it's LineageOS with some GrapheneOS features (and other welcome changes, though no other kinds of hardening unfortunately). VoltageOS claims to offer "a simplistic, no frills pure AOSP experience that will not let you down in getting through every day uninterrupted by inconveniences, with just the right dab of customizations" (taken straight from its own summary).
Advantages (A12L):
- Per-app data restriction (coupled with GrapheneOS' network & sensors permission)
- Limited Monet customizations (Settings > Wallpaper & style > Customize system colors)
Full black background color are available in Settings > Display > Dark theme > Use Black Theme. Inbuilt Monet customizations do not extend to allowing the user to use whatever theme color of their own preference.
- Signature spoofing (no toggle) (coupled with GmsCompat)
- Inbuilt applock
Disadvantages (A12L):
- Poco X3(N) : No force encryption
Availability: A12L (discontinued), A13
Other ROMs you'll want to avoid
Similar to the untested ROMs above (if not tested), but ones that you should never use under any circumstances due to various issues (troubled maintainership & user-hostile footguns are some of the good examples here). If you're planning to use this, please seek saner ROMs above (preferably ones that aren't a Limbo).
Android Ice Cold Project
A customization-oriented ROM hailing back from 2012 with inbuilt footguns (SELinux switcher, adblock toggle) for root users.
AOSP-based custom ROM claiming to be "made by a user, for a user", just like Razer's "For Gamers. By Gamers" motto. However, their permissive update policy (if there's any - for example, a maintainer could release a build on April & not update it all the way to July (if at all)), combined with the end-user-hostile experience (SELinux switcher & self-enabling USB debugging in Poco F1, for example) destroys this claim, just as much as Razer Phone's lack of a headphone jack (unless the easily lost dongle counts) ruins Razer's motto (compare Razer Phone 2 with the Poco X3P, for example.).
30/7/2024 Update : It's already dead.
Copperhead OS
A security-focused ROM, once developed by GrapheneOS' lead dev Daniel Micay until the project was allegedly hijacked (as an outsider, I have no idea what's happening there), causing a split-off that resulted in the eventual creation of GrapheneOS. Paid, source-available (not open source), & cannot be normally flashed (so it's not usable anyway).
A complete mobile ecosystem aimed at offering a Goolag-free alternative to the Goolag/Apple duopoly. Claims to be the first to focus on deGoogling... although LineageOS was already mostly deGoogled (ignoring all those "open"GApps useds or the fact LineageOS didn't even change any default connections aside from its own updater) before /e/ was even conceptualized. Also offers older Android builds, though maintenance is somewhat mixed for most devices.
Personal remarks : I brought it to "avoid" section once out of its questionable default apps, but I brought it back up the microG-only section again after re-testing it & doing a deep dive on it. However, this is one of the ROMs that I actually regretted un-avoiding, since they never fixed their important longstanding issues (hardcoded connections & security patches). Therefore it's back to the "avoid" section, which is a shame since they also maintain older Android builds.
- Inbuilt microG (signature spoofing permission not exclusively granted for microG, meaning other apps with that permission may also use them).
- Per-app data restriction
- Documents connections made by the ROM (albeit a stub, missing captive portal & ntp)
Personal unofficial documentation : (link) (note : App Lounge isn't opened for this one)
- Consistently 1 month behind in security patches (link to changelog - note for example 1.16 (October 2023 release) running September 2023 patch for A11 / A12L / A13)
When confronted by Tavi of DivestOS regarding security issues, Gael (/e/ founder) ignored it, as seen here (
- Hardcoded default connections that cannot be changed AT ALL.
Re-quoting my issue from a practical stance : What if murena servers went down? Your network (which might use captive portals instead of WPA) will not work for your device, all because the devs actively prevent you from changing those default connections.
- Inbuilt i8sn.conf in /system/etc
- No inbuilt applock
- No theme customizations
The A12 build somehow manages to not implement monet, replaced with their (iOS'?) trademark light blue accent & light green toggle. In addition, the pure black theme toggle in Settings > Display > Dark theme does not work at all (dark theme remains gray).
- No sensors permission
- userdebug builds, at least for dev builds.
- Questionable inbuilt apps
- Magic Earth for mapping - closed source & doesn't seem privacy-friendly. /e/ claims that if Magic Earth receives enough adoption it will become open source, but so far it remains closed source.
OSMAnd / Organic Maps should have been the alternative, considering both are actually open source. However, there's always the possibility of missing out on traffic alerts (considering most would report it on Google Maps), so there's that.
- In a nutshell, App Lounge is Aurora Store gone horribly wrong after trying to add F-Droid & PWA (progressive web apps) to its repository (in addition to Play Store). Here's a list of its sins.
- As previously mentioned, App Lounge combines Google Play Store (by using Google's API, which also hands Go-ogle data), F-Droid, & PWA; with the latter 2 using ClearAPK API (which remains unknown to this day). There are plans to remove CleanAPK, though so far I'm not sure on how that went since I didn't check for it.
- App Lounge does not mention any privacy-related information whatsoever. Instead, at first startup (with internet access), it displays some legalese stuff that has nothing to do with the App Lounge's privacy informations.
- Link to nervuri's analysis of App Lounge : (Part 1 | (Part 2 |
- Advanced Privacy routes users over T.O.R. network without any clarifications whatsoever. As it takes the VPN slot, it prevents users from using any other VPNs (including VPN-based apps such as AdAway (non-root), InviZible, NetGuard, & PCAPdroid).
- BlissLauncher seems to be the default iPhone launcher ported to Android, as far as I know. Not the most questionable stuff around, but why waste time reinventing another launcher (and copying an inferior user experience) when the default Trebuchet is available (and deserves some facelift & maybe portability to other ROMs?)?
- Additional information from Tavi (a.k.a. SkewedZeppelin / IratePorcupine / ContentedGoat depending on Git repo - but most importantly DivestOS' lead & sole developer) : (since e.txt was removed from to "reduce harassment", though I believe /e/ brought most of it upon themselves)
- Additional (possibly outdated) information from ewwlo (a telegram group who hates /e/) : (direct link) (
A LineageOS-based ROM that claims to be rich featured, privacy focused, and fully independent from Google (check 16/3/2023 update because this point got removed). Unfortunately, the developers made these claims without being able to actually fulfill them reliably, so here they are - another one to definitely avoid.
My impressions about LibreMobileOS :
- The download page is 99% ripped off LineageOS, though missing cuckflare cert (good) (13/4/2023 Update: for ripping off LineageOS' download page, they forgot to add in the wiki pages, which is a missed opportunity especially since it could be used to document stuff, including default connections) & with a different theme. Downloads are also less reliable IMO (compared to literally everyone else), failing at least once (and sometimes even twice) in my personal experience, though at least I could still pick up from where it got cut off. Overall, not the most promising start.
- used to rely on CDN-based connection (and even has googletagmanager, but that was absent since 10/1/2023) for their site content (and LMODroid page, which doesn't show anything without CDN), but at the moment of writing (9/3/2023) it no longer needs them. Weak start for the site, though it's now better than most regular custom ROM sites (not that it's saying much since the OS is what matters).
- LibreMobileOS uses their own GitLab instance (which is better than being on GitHub and/or, at least), which demands JS & XHR for The same applies for their own Gerrit instance (
- For a privacy-focused ROM, LibreMobileOS does not document any default connections (the gerrit instance does show some changes to the captive portal server, so there's that if it counts). Instead, we got some legalese "agreement" letter, some meaningless about page (with obviously meaningless content), some weird promise of this ROM being enterprise-compatible (not that any self-respecting enterprise would even think of using some half-assed custom ROM, especially one that doesn't even deliver what they advertised themselves), and some settings screenshots (which, as of 28/2/2023, has 1 lie - microG compatibility).
2/10/2023 late update : I'd like to clarify how microG compatibility in LMODroid is a lie - usually, in any ROMs with signature spoofing (such as crDroid), it's a toggleable permission. However, in LMODroid (both A12L & A13), that permission & its toggle are absent. Anyway, I've given LMODroid too much of my time, so good riddance.
7/11/2023 Update : Since there's still no documentations whatsoever, I took the job to (unofficially) document LMODroid's default connections.
- In terms of keeping up with ASB patches (at least for A12L), LMODroid is debatably pathetic, taking up to 6/1/2023 just to add in 5/11/2022 & 5/12/2022 A12 patches; 5/3/2023 just for 5/1/2023 & 5/2/2023 A12 patches. Missing out on security patches can be one thing (especially when work is focused on the latest base), but when it is explicitly promised at the starting page (and not reliably fulfilled), trust will become an issue (though at this point LibreMobileOS already has trust issues).
13/4/2023 Update : Apparently LibreMobileOS seems to be too preoccupied with A13 (which they haven't released) to the point they couldn't be bothered to update their A12L builds.
- 16/3/2023 Update : For whatever reason, they switched LMODroid's introduction from being "fully independent from Google" to "ease transition to de-googled Android use cases, while also supporting using Google Services", while also admitting that AOSP is Google's creation & that they're focused on application compatibility (instead of being privacy-focused as seen on their site's intro but whatever goes I guess). Ironically, signature spoofing doesn't work on LMODroid the last time I tested it (2/10/2023), so...
- Summary : For an allegedly privacy-focused custom ROM, LibreMobileOS has fucked up in every way but two - not having questionable apps & not hosting development in GitHub / official GitLab (the latter is something /e/ also has; though both points are actually just minor bonuses). Their advertisement are blatant lies & LibreMobileOS should be avoided. If all of these issues are fixed, I might reconsider re-evaluating it (assuming I still wanted to that is).
- Per-app data restriction
- Inbuilt applock (Settings > Security > More security settings > App lock)
- No "advanced" settings that users will touch only once & ignore afterwards
- LineageOS-esque setup wizard
- No monet customizations (A12L, A13)
LMODroid claims to give the user full control over fonts, colors, & UI customizations. However, the color customizations are straight up missing (the prebuilt "basic" colors in Wallpaper & style do NOT count).
- No sensors permission
- Signature spoofing does not work (last tested on 2/10/2023 X3P build) and no GmsCompat either
- Does not fulfill their own promises of staying up to date with security patches
- Poco F1 (A12L) : Does not work, boots to fastboot (13/3/2023 build)
- No reliable archives (though they at least keep the last previous Android build)
No links for LMODroid will be provided (except for gerrit links), as I cannot recommend it.
A ROM built by 'the biggest non-profit Android Open Source development team' in China, with members from "all parts of the world". Getting the official ROM requires enabling Go-ogle ads, which unfortunately denies some users (particularly the privacy-aware users) from using this ROM (and me from being able to even try this out). 30/5/2023 Update : Mokee has moved ROM downloads to SourceForge (but also stopped all development), which is better than what it previously was, for all it's worth.
Nitrogen OS
A non-descript AOSP ROM (GApps-only for the X3N, from what I heard) with questionable issues (self-enabling USB debugging on boot for the X3N, Permissive SELinux on literally every A11 build I had tested).
Pixys OS
A ROM that claims to be a "butter smooth Android firmware". However, since most ROMs nowadays tend to be smooth enough IMO (except for some cases that I unfortunately forgot), I don't really care about this claim - especially if you need to enable Go-ogle scripts on the official site just to get the ROM.
Stock ROM (and their ports)
Stock ROM that gets ported like OxygenOS & MIUI - for example,, EliteROM. I don't know why anyone would ever bother using them, since they're infested with Go-ogle spyware (and other forms of spyware present in stock ROMs). Not only they may require a custom vendor firmware, they could also not work with custom kernels by design (most custom kernels are meant to run on AOSP ROMs).
For disclosure, I am never a fan of stock ROMs, unless it's LineageOS, DivestOS, or GrapheneOS (in order of preference).
Dead ROMs
Custom ROMs that has either stopped all developments and/or haven't released any new builds. Either way, these ROMs can be considered dead & shouldn't be used for any other purposes save for a custom ROM base (if necessary).
Another featurefest build based off LineageOS. Development seemingly stopped at November 2020.
Yet another featurefest trying to feature an unique user interface, with anime-loaded versions that are limited to GApps-only builds.
AOSiP (Android Open Source Illusion Project)
AOSP-based custom ROM with the most badass boot-animation (on Pie & A10). On Pie, there's a fatal lack of font engine to improve the badassery, but it got fixed on A10. Development seems winded down on A11 leading me to ignore it (among other things such as the more generic boot-animation), and currently AOSiP can be considered dead as there is no updates at the moment.
AOSP/CAF-based ROM with tidied-up settings & enforced Vanilla/GApps distribution, aiming to keep things simple, clean, & neat... at least in A11 (even though the soyte was a mess). However, with ≥A12(L), ArrowOS took a complete 180 in usability by dropping a lot of what made it good in the first place (and not adding any of them back); and A13 brought back only applock. To make matters worse, the old A11 builds got lost in some infra maintenance; though some (at least X3(N/P)) were getting rediscovered for now.
5/7/2024 Update : I consider ArrowOS dead as there's no further development aside from 28/3/2024 device droppings (and the actual work for the ROM stops at February 2024). However, as I use (or still used?) A11 ArrowOS on my X3P, I'll keep its old advantages & disadvantages list.
- Per-app data restriction (Pie, A10, A11) (There's an issue for A10, specifically for F1 & 6z. The issue is not present on A11)
- Signature spoofing (Pie, A10, A11, A12, A12L, A13) (no toggle)
- Inbuilt applock (A11, A13)
- Enforced Vanilla/GApps distribution (since there's no sign of the opposite)
- Sensors permission (A11)
- No "advanced" settings that users will touch only once & ignore afterwards - added settings are fully dedicated to buttons & gestures (A11)
- Prebuilt Simple Calendar & Gallery (GitHub releases version)
6/7/2024 Update : While prebuilt SMT apps were good back then, nowadays they serve as a reminder for me to switch to Fossify. Speaking of Fossify, I think they're not as well-maintained as SMT, which kinda sucked especially since Fossify claims to continue SMT's legacy.
- Monet customizations (A12) (Settings > Display > Monet Engine) (redacted due to not being present on A12L)
- No per-app data restriction or network permission (A12(L), A13)
- No sensors permission
- No inbuilt applock (A12, A12L)
- No theme customizations (A12L)
- Inbuilt opt-out telemetry (Settings > Privacy > ArrowOS Stats)
- Official site dependent on soydev BS such as BlockAdBlock, JS, & XHR
The site won't load without JS, instead demanding the user to disable adblocker & script blockers (with BlockAdBlock sometimes kicking in, especially when certain extensions (such as VPN, adblockers (but not uMatrix / ηMatrix fortunately)) are installed on the browser).
The BlockAdBlock dependency is concerning, since anyone can & will be denied access if it's triggered. I thought we're keeping things simple, clean, & neat here; why include a complex obfuscated censorship-enabling snowflake script in the site?
The download link may also occasionally not work, getting stuck at "please disable adblock & script blockers" even when 1st-party JS & XHR were explicitly enabled in uMatrix / ηMatrix.
4/2/2025 LATE update : ArrowOS' server is down for good.
- Poco F1 & Zenfone 6 (only on A10): Settings crash when changing Wi-fi access for apps with internet permission (This flaw is considered redaccted since A10 is discontinued)
Bug / error initially found in 13/4/2020 Vanilla build for F1 & 17/5/2020 Vanilla build for Zenfone 6. This issue is not present in A11.
All official links to ArrowOS removed (1/2/2024 Update : Re-added some links for the old A11 builds - though keep in mind they're all over the place as official ArrowOS infra doesn't host them now). With no effort to add back lost features (applock (re-added in A13), monet customizations, per-app data restriction, sensors permission) or add equivalents (network permission in lieu of per-app data restriction), I can no longer recommend using this ROM. However, for those fine with sticking with older A11 builds (back when ArrowOS rocks) & its implications, here's links for some of them.
Bootleggers ROM
A Limbo GZOSP-based ROM, with so much features to make the user feel at home (the word home gets translated to Chinese / Japanese). Development seems stopped & there are no official A11 builds, so it's probably dead (even if there's any git commits).
CAF Extended
Basically AOSPExtended, but using CAF as the base (instead of AOSP). First impressions are terrible - with lack of certain essentials (navbar layout customization & per-app data restriction) & the added presence of user-hostile footguns (USB debugging on boot & SELinux switcher). However, in A12, it became a GApps-only ROM, but drops the footguns in the process.
Another one of these featurefest ROMs... as if there's not enough of these around. For my rant that once appeared here, it has been moved to its own page. No news regarding development and/or new releases, considered dead. 30/5/2023 Update : Returned to life as a Limbo ROM.
Cygnus OS
A CAF-based Limbo ROM, going off the Pixel side, like BlissROM.
AOSiP fork with added features & Pixel GApps. With A11, they cleaned up all traces of them being a Limbo ROM, only to become a Pixel ROM (worse, but at least consistent). It seems to have returned back to life, but I will not be testing any Pixel ROMs, so it could remain here indefinitely.
Dirty Unicorns
A well-known ROM back from the early days of Android modding; back from at least the Marshmallow era. However, with their A10 builds (DU 14), this marked their fall to the Pixel category, as they have preloaded GApps without any information whatsoever. Cool themes though; however, said cool themes can also be obtained in many other ROMs, such as AOSiP. They have shut themselves down in 15/3/2021.
LineageOS with security & privacy enhancements (relockable bootloaders for supported devices, secure app spawning, documented connections, network permission) & different prebuilts (upstream etar in favor of LineageOS' fork; Fossify Gallery in place of AOSP Gallery3d; GrapheneOS Camera in place of whatever camera app LineageOS is sticking with at the moment).
28/12/2024 Update : DivestOS has ended development.
- Per-app data restriction (coupled with network & sensors permission in A12L & A13)
- Consistent lack of GApps (for official builds)
- Secure app spawning (Settings > Security)
- No "advanced" settings that users will touch only once & ignore afterwards
- Inbuilt adblocking hosts
- Full Android Verified Boot for some supported devices (requires downloading a separate AVB key)
- Documents connections made by the ROM (albeit assumed to be incomplete)
- Added options to set captive portal provider (Settings > Network & internet > Internet connectivity check)
Offers 9 presets, including Goolag (by default) & DivestOS' own; both were the only ones listed on DivestOS' network documentations.
- microG support (starting with A10/17.1; toggle in Settings > Security > Unprivileged microG enablement & reboot required after enabling; latest microG required)
- No inbuilt app lock
- One dev show (to his credit, the developer was active with updates, but still.) (28/12/2024 Update : Development is over.)
- No monet customizations (A12L, A13)
- (personal niggle) hosts-based adblock can be disabled (Settings > Security > Disable DNS content blocker)
- Uneven support for devices. DivestOS' additional features may break supported devices, oftentimes without any fixes. For example, A12 Pixel 3 (and further) does not boot (12/9/2023 Update : DivestOS for Pixel 3 & 4 series works again, albeit for unknown reasons); Poco F1 running DivestOS' boot image reboots every time the camera is accessed.
- If using FBE encryption, TWRP can't decrypt /sdcard of devices running DivestOS.
- May ignore all modifications from TWRP (though I didn't see this behavior popping up in X3P, but YMMV)
- Official site
Downloading the ROM requires enabling other for if using uMatrix in Chromium-based browsers. Site has a non-cuckflare Javascript-based email protection that only protects emails (instead of anything with @; such as this random text (v1234@5678.910) or Adreno driver versions).
- GitHub repo
- GitLab repo
- Codeberg repo
- Kuketz' take on DivestOS (German)
Dot OS
Dot OS, or short for Droid On Time, is yet another custom ROM focused on performance & stability (and also looking & feeling great without compromising the previous points). Once died in the Pie era, they have returned in A11 (with an interface reminiscent of A12), with a bad start that improves itself over time (and also made some stuff ahead of their time such as wallpaper-based theme with customizable themes). However, as there is no official ≥A12 releases, Dot OS is considered dead.
LineageOS with various additional security patches & signature spoofing to top them all off. No longer maintained, as the developer doubles down on being a GrapheneOS contributor.
Ground Zero Open Source Project
A custom ROM originally meant to be an alternative ROM base to LineageOS, it has died off as its main developer martinusbe died.
A former featurefest ROM in the Pie era & the first microG-compatible ROM I've ever used. Considered dead since there's no new builds other than those GApps-only A13 builds from September 2023.
Kang OS
Basically CorvusOS (which is based off Dirty Unicorns), but closer to its Android Open Kang Project roots by literally naming it "Kang OS".
Kraken Project
A Limbo ROM (formerly Pixel ROM) with a goal to provide the best experience in using a "low" Android with basic customizations. I don't understand what "low" Android means here, so I'll just assume "low on features". Usability wise, it feels mostly like LineageOS, but with AOSP's crap-ass gesture/button nav (the 2-button ones) enabled by default & Trust not working.
LineageOS with signature spoofing & customized icons, I guess?
Liquid Remix
A pseudo-Lineage based ROM. Meaning; it lacks some Lineage-exclusive parts such as the Setup Wizard & Trust; despite claiming to be Lineage-based.
Octavi OS
A cheapo ROM reborn out of PearlOS, complete with a default flashing guide that matches its toylike feel.
Pixel Experience
A straight-up no-frills Pixel ROM that could fool any normies (particularly anyone who got a Pixel or any other phone with "stock" Android) into thinking it's the "stock" Android found on a Pixel. It's also available in a "plus" variant for more features. 19/4/2024 Update : Moved into "dead" category.
Potato Open Sauce Project
The "sauciest & tastiest" fork of AOSP, whatever that means. Sank to Limbo with GApps-only releases with plans for Vanilla/GApps (I haven't fully checked them out yet, but so far GApps-only), now into retest for not having any official A12L build I can test.
Project Elixir
The first A12 ROM I've officially used (and documented), it does not give off a good impression, because A12 (and A12L by extension) sucks (and Elixir's implementation weren't any better) & Project Elixir doesn't have any Vanilla releases.
20/5/2024 Update : Le gasp, a Pixel ROM commiting suicide after getting caught for randomly wiping users' devices ( Yeah... lolkek. Of course the meat of the drama had to be welded to fucking ex-Twitter... But still, another dead Pixel ROM. Not glad a custom development group dead, but this one did themselves in so I don't feel half as bad...?
17/9/2024 Update : Becomes paid-only. How these developers haven't surrendered yet is impressive, as disgusted as I am admitting this.
Project Fluid
A Limbo ROM sharing the same concept as Dot & Awaken in which it takes AOSP & modifies its UI. Once had compelely stopped development in late 2021, returned to life on July 2022 after a series of teasing on Telegram... though development has stopped again on August 2022.
Project Sakura
A custom ROM that "feels like spring". More like "feels like spring deep inside a burning forest", since it shares plenty of similarities with a certain Pixel ROM masquerading as a Limbo. Development seems stopped at the moment, with latest ROM-related commit in 21/6/2022.
Project Xtended
The HavocOS equivalent for GZOSP ROMs, with a slogan claiming "Custom ROM Redefined". So far, the only thing it actually did was make it a slog to set up the ROM to my preferences. Also, starting with A11, some maintainers began releasing Goolag-only builds & aren't forced to also release the Vanilla variant, dragging it to Limbo & signaling the start of its downfall. And, with the 6.0 release, all hopes for Project Xtended are crushed as the devs included a SELinux switcher.
Previously known as ReloadedCAF. As of A11 beta, it has switched to AOSP. However, it's fine to assume Reloaded is dead as there are no further up-to-date official and/or stable builds.
30/11/2022 Update : Seems like Reloaded is revived. However, at the moment of writing, all available builds seem to be GApps-only.
A former CAF ROM focused on minimalism. On Pie, it's basically a GApps-only CAF ROM. However, they have removed the Goolag infestation on A10, allowing them to enter the CAF section. With A11, they have rebased to AOSP, & made a "new" UI for the OS called RevengeUI, which isn't that far off the common AOSP looks at all. In 12/11/2021, the project was shut down.
Resurrection Remix
Back in the Pie era, it is LineageOS with added features (except signature spoofing). In the A10 era, they brought in signature spoofing support, perhaps in addition of making a non-enforced Vanilla/GApps distribution. However, as there are no further news about its development (it's stuck at A10), it can be considered dead.
Spark OS
A featurefest with probably way too many features, including those with clashing functionalities (one good example is support for both microG & GmsCompat, while also having a dedicated GApps build). Considering there's no new builds since September 2023 (last checked : 29/6/2024) Spark OS is considered dead.
Wave OS
A custom ROM with OxygenOS-inspired UI, claiming to add user experience improving features instead of bloating it with unwanted cruft that could cause stability issues. Initially, they made Goolag-only releases (with a special Setup Wizard that demands internet access), which landed WaveOS in the GApps-only category. However, starting with August 2021 releases, the devs (at least the one who remained after a long hiatus before August) released Vanilla/GApps builds (but the GApps-build Setup Wizard issue remains), granting them a very cautious entry to the AOSP category. Development seems dead, so dropping them here.
GZOSP with clown theme (A10 only AFAIK) & added features, maintained by the GZOSP team. Last spark of development seen in 23/8/2020, as it dies off with the main developer.
A featurefest ROM built out of Havoc, made in response of the developer getting kicked out of Havoc's development team. Considered dead due to lack of new builds (as far as I can see in SF).
Flashable system images that supposedly runs on any devices with Treble support. I don't daily drive them, at least for now (as dedicated ROM zips are still abundant & available for my devices).
Unofficial builds
Builds made & maintained by developers outside the official guidelines & restrictions, sometimes with personal modifications that wouldn't be sanctioned otherwise. Generally, I tend to use official builds unless the unofficial one is well-maintained & offers something the official don't.
One good example of a well-maintained unofficial build with these kind of modifications is MSe1969's LineageOS-microG for OnePlus 3T, which adds security & privacy hardening on top of LineageOS-microG (though some unwanted bloats such as Aurora apps are present).
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