ArrowOS personal pocketbox setup (X3P)

Last updated : 5/3/2025 (personal app settings)

- Introduction -
Default connections
Other little tunes
Personal settings
Other quirks
- Conclusion -


Because I elevated my little debloat text to a full‐on HTML page for my full‐on setup & documented my "modifications". Of course, this is purely meant as a pocketbox setup; except without any internet‐demanding games, let alone the ones allergic to anything resembling modifications (I'll probably make one on that soon).



Method : TWRP Delete









Debloating notes

On user-installed apps :

ADB commands

For my daily-drive box, I cannot be bothered to document its connection, let alone try anything out (but then I assume ArrowOS doesn't change default connections like most custom ROMs). So, I'm skipping the default connections for this one. However, out of habit, I'll still be putting in my default preferences.

In command form, here's what it'll look like:

  1. settings put global captive_portal_http_url
  2. settings put global captive_portal_https_url
  3. settings put global captive_portal_fallback_url
  4. settings put global captive_portal_other_fallback_urls
  5. settings put global ntp_server about:blank
  6. settings put secure show_rotation_suggestions 0
  7. reboot

In hindsight, I could've just disabled captive portal since this shouldn't be directly connecting itself to internet at all. Here's where you can look up how to disable it. Though if you're doing this you should also disable CaptivePortalLogin app as well (pm disable (or uninstall ‐‐user 0) 23/8/2024 Update : But then again, you could also disable CaptivePortalLogin using the system's settings, so you don't exactly need those pm commands.

Other little tunes

Actually, this section's optional, but I appreciate having little details taken care of here & there, so here's some rough list (more will come soon) of my app tunings with Warden (or either App Manager or SD Maid); all of which were possible with root.

As for SD Maid on the other hand...

I could've used a kernel manager to further fine-tune the X3P's performance (hey, another excuse to keep Magisk!), but the main performance issue my X3P has were all storage-related issues where my microSD couldn't exactly keep up with the internal storage (also not helped by Scoped Storage & its inconsistent applications over 3 different console emulators, with 2 being able to fully use the external storage for all of its files & one insisting on /Android/data for smaller files but allows using external storage only for games & some backups). Therefore I skipped this one, but if you need one I can only recommend SmartPack.

Personal settings

My own preferences. Starting with AOSP Settings:

And yes, I have some for the apps that I use. Of course, "Unused apps" are disabled as I believe it is unnecessary.

Other quirks


Uhhhhh.... yeah. I gotta put something here, right? Well then, I guess you got my little pocketbox setup. Which I won't be updating. As in updating the operating system, and not just because ArrowOS no longer updates their A11 builds (let alone anything nowadays).

But seriously, I'd feel better if I make some small story out of it. Before the great A11 exodus, I was rather content with my old crDroid setup (January 2023 (final) A12L build with the last No Gravity Kernel build before it went KernelSU-only), though at times I find it limiting, particularly with the headset limiter. At that time, I didn't really miss ArrowOS, believing I couldn't & shouldn't return to it, especially since I had the latest A12 firmware & am under the false impression of not being able to rollback due to Xiaomi's anti-rollback bullshit. However, an unexpected opportunity came to me in February 2024 (after the rest-of-the-week vacation where I temporarily switched to LineageOS-microG on my X3P as I couldn't get microG working on crDroid & Bob borrowed my OP6 until he found a replacement for his lost OP5T so I had to whip up my X3P into an improptu FGO rig in the first place) as I discovered that my X3P could be rolled back to A11 (similar ARB levels to the other X3P I've brought back to A11), and eventually did it (after some trial & error; mainly on that other X3P); further spurred on by an unfortunate discovery in March 2024 that further soured my view on A12(L) (all the while reflecting on the fun of "accidentally" dropping some hentai reference).

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